Pixies “Bagboy” and Patton Oswalt: the Hot Pocket Connection
I don't know if you've heard, but the Pixies have a new song out (the first one in nine years!). I want to play it here for you today…
I don't know if you've heard, but the Pixies have a new song out (the first one in nine years!). I want to play it here for you today…
This is the kind of sign that you see in the subway in NYC, and you stand there staring at it for awhile, and then your mind goes straight to…
This fantastic sign was sent to me by one of my high school friends, who thought I would appreciate the rich irony of the wording. Personally, I really like the…
Stephan and I were playing an "iPod wars" game last weekend, and this is the song I wanted to play, but we didn't have it in our music collection. Imagine…
I know, it seems like I'm always getting on someone's case for something, and it seems that way because THAT IS HOW IT IS, dudes. Here is a strange…
Like any good health food hippie, I take probiotics and think everyone else should as well. Here is the kind we used to take, and then I saw this intriguing…
Yesterday one of my friends from high school posted this gem of a screenshot, causing me to laugh out loud several times throughout the day. I don't know if…
BY LORI CULWELL I've been noticing alot of funny wireless network names lately, so naturally I have been keeping a list. Here are a few of the funnier ones.…
BY LORI CULWELL You guys! Stephan has been writing some hilarious lists over on his Thing a Day Project website. Here is my favorite one so far: “Late Career Bands”…
The other day I was walking in NYC behind a guy who was clearly doing battle with the voices in his head, because he was yelling at random intervals about…