I Cry Facebook Entrapment!

OK, so, you know how Facebook has been really pushing that
“here are some people you might know” feature?  
In case you’re not familiar, it looks like this:

Facebook SuggestionsAgain, please feel free to compliment my MAD PHOTOSHOP
SKILLZ, ya’ll.   For this gem, I had to bust out both the "brush" and the "blur" tools, and I was considering using multiple layers.   I know at least some people (designers, probably Stephanie) are wondering– "Wow, Culwell does seem to know the terminology of PhotoShop, so how come she still does such a TERRIBLE job with these photos?"    Would it make you laugh if I told you that I did two versions of this, and this one was clearly superior?    No one can be good at everything, ok? I have many other skills, and have never asked anyone to employ me as a graphic designer.  

Anyhow, I started
noticing that there were a couple of people I had, like, a bunch of mutual
friends in common with (pictured here), so I decided to accept Facebook’s offer to friend
request them.   Innocent enough, right?

Apparently not.   
Right after I did this heinous thing, Facebook logged me out and gave me
a total Facebook spanking, where it was all “MEH, you’ve been trying to add
people who you don’t really know, you’re not supposed to do that,” and then
they gave me the choice to “cancel all pending friend requests” or “cancel all
pending friend requests with less than X mutual friends” or “leave all my
friend requests in place,” and you know if you choose choice # 3, Facebook will
ban you for all eternity so I canceled them all, and now I hate Facebook with
passion again because adding those people WAS THEIR IDEA and then they yelled
at me.

This is the exact same way I felt when I logged in as a
client and set up an ad campaign worth thousands of dollars, then
Facebook banned me from their advertising program for six months, complete with a series of snotty messages from some administrative assistant where they kept telling me "This will be the FINAL time we discuss this with you, LORI."   That awesome piece of legislation didn't stick, as I am back and running more ads than ever.    I am so tempted to buy one share of Facebook stock so I can include the words "YOU WORK FOR ME" in every single tech support email I send them.  

Anyhow, just wanted to give Facebook a big shout-out for creating needless work for themselves by having one department create a feature which, when engaged, triggers a security warning from a totally different department.  AWESOME.   Good looking out!!!

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One Reply to “I Cry Facebook Entrapment!”

  1. What the eff? How does it know you don’t really know them? And since when are you not allowed to add anyone you want?


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