I know, it seems like I'm always getting on someone's case for something, and it seems that way because THAT IS HOW IT IS, dudes.
Here is a strange series of texts I got from my local pet store. Already this year I had to unsubscribe from my local wine store because of a series of texts that I swear were sent by a drunk person, and now the pet store is apparently employing the same social media genius, because the texts coming from the pet store are starting to sound similarly drunken.
What's funny about this is the erratic grammar and capitalization choices. Why is "pond" capitalized? Why would I make a special trip to a pet store on Father's Day? What do fish have to do with Father's Day?
And why, in the next text (occurring one week later) are they now using even more all caps, this time to try to sell me "Pork and Peas" dog food, a name so disgusting I should do a whole 'nother blog post about that?
Actually, my co-contributor Katherine Sears did an excellent post about this very subject last week on BookPromotion.com, where she talks about pre-scheduling social media and generally being a big ol' digital fakey fake pants, and how people can see right through this.
Also, please feel free to compliment me on my super-expert use of PhotoShop. It really is impressive, I know.