Funny Wireless Network Names
BY LORI CULWELL I've been noticing alot of funny wireless network names lately, so naturally I have been keeping a list. Here are a few of the funnier ones.…
BY LORI CULWELL I've been noticing alot of funny wireless network names lately, so naturally I have been keeping a list. Here are a few of the funnier ones.…
BY LORI CULWELL You guys! Stephan has been writing some hilarious lists over on his Thing a Day Project website. Here is my favorite one so far: “Late Career Bands”…
The other day I was walking in NYC behind a guy who was clearly doing battle with the voices in his head, because he was yelling at random intervals about…
I saw this sign the other day in the Costco alcohol store, and I'm positive the guy who works in that store did not appreciate my taking this photo, but…
BY LORI CULWELL So, the other day, we were talking about how Oreo had been purchased by a mysterious corporation called Mondelez that I am convinced is located within Mount…
Seriously—I just tried to print something with my printer that, as you know, I have a complicated relationship with because IT WILL NOT SCAN but I’m too stubborn (or cheap)…
OK, you’re waiting in line behind someone for the bathroom at Starbucks. Assuming that you saw this person and that they did not look like a homeless junkie who is…
I don’t know why, but I’ve been listening to Pandora a lot lately, and as you know, Pandora has advertisements if you don’t upgrade (as to opposed to Hulu Plus,…
I know, like, what kind of a cold-hearted monster am I for mocking a koala-themed park, but the name is SO BAD. My friend Katie sent this one to…
I know, you're probably going to be like "oh, Culwell isn't writing enough, she's falling back on the funny photos, and ordinarily I would totally be all "You're right, I'm…