Stephan and I were playing an "iPod wars" game last weekend, and this is the song I wanted to play, but we didn't have it in our music collection. Imagine my surprise and delight when I searched for it on YouTube and this gem of a video came up. 

So, first– OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS SO HAIRY, and so sincere.  Let's watch.

My favorite part is when Dennis DeYoung (the lead singer) is doing the choreographed dance, and it's clear that he's wearing suspenders and no shirt and high-waisted pants that are not even flattering, and he's motioning toward his fellow band members when he says "Come Sail Away," and this is confusing because shouldn't he want members of the audience to come sail away with him?
And also, of course, this song makes you want to hear the Cartman version, so here that is:
