I’m Back! Dr. Pepper Peeps, Kettle Corn Peeps, and a Fun Party Game Idea!

Hello again, and welcome back to this sadly neglected blog. Yes, I know I have only been posting here a few times per year. That is because I wrote four books last year and am trying to write another four this year, and I have poor time management skills. Did you know that ADHD gets worse the older you get? Because it very much does. 

Anyhoo, here are all of the books I have written thus far in the “Funny You Should Ask” series, which you should absolutely check out if any of these subjects interest you. I started this series because I am apparently a glutton for punishment. The books are basically me explaining technical things while making jokes, and it has been very well received!



My Books on Amazon

I’m back on this blog because something very important and Funny Strange-like has happened, and we need to talk about it.

The new Peeps flavors are out, people. This has happened earlier in the season than expected, perhaps because this is the 70th Anniversary of Peeps. I’m so excited about this that I went out and bought a bunch of Peeps-themed stuff and made a TikTok about it! That’s right over here if you are a TikTok person. 

Yes, that is Stephan in the background, serving up a hilarious Peeps song. Special super thanks to him for doing not only that song, but all the fancy video production on my first-ever TikTok! 

Back to the matter at hand. There are only two brand-new ones this time around–Kettle Corn and Dr. Pepper–and both are pretty accurate, maybe because they’re based on things that are artificially flavored anyway, which makes them easy to get right. I also appreciate the movie theater theme of popcorn and soda, although I don’t know if that was intentional. It might have been, because in keeping with the movie theater food theme, I also noticed that they have a Mike and Ike-themed Peep pop out this year, which I’ll need to do a whole separate post about because NO ONE LIKES MIKE AND IKES AND NO ONE EVER DID, so that did not need to happen. Also returning this year are sour watermelon, hot tamale, birthday cake (a pointless and stupid flavor, in my opinion), cotton candy, chocolate pudding, the ongoing atrocity that is fruit punch, regular and strawberry Peeps delights (those are the chocolate-dipped ones), and a flavor called Sparkly Wild Berry that is proving to be difficult to locate. I’ll look into how “sparkly” that one tastes and get back to you.

In case you’re new here and don’t know this about me, strangely and artificially flavored snack food is my lifelong interest and hobby, and it just gets funnier with every passing year. I am absolutely that friend you need to tell if you see something like chicken and waffle-flavored potato chips in a store, because I will run right out and buy those just to see how close they got. In fact, I have a weirdly flavored snack food tasting game at every party I host, because I totally love experiencing the weird flavors with other people and comparing notes.

In case that is a party game you might want to do yourself (because it really is super fun), I finally got around to making a downloadable version of the Peeps Tasting Party Game instructions for you. It even has tasting notes! You can get that here.

 The first new flavor is kettle corn, and while initially you might be like, “Gross,” stay with me, because I feel like this is one of their best-executed flavors to date. The flavor profile is spot on, to the point where it made me laugh out loud from the very beginning of this flavor experiment.

Right out of the package, they totally smell like buttered popcorn, which is at once hilariously accurate and cognitively incongruous, because your brain knows good and well you’re not just about to be eating popcorn. The accuracy of the smell is one of the things I love about the weird Peeps. 


The actual kettle corn flavor is accurate as well, which is even funnier to me. Like, how do they put all the chemicals together to make it taste like popcorn? It almost perfectly captures the sweet and salty balance of kettle corn without the pesky crunchiness of actual popcorn, which I appreciate, because popcorn gives me anxiety (it’s a long story). 


These specialty flavors can sometimes be overpowering, but that is not the case this time around, and if anything, I found that this flavor was a little more understated than it needed to be. I would give this flavor a solid A-, which I would upgrade to an A if they could make it slightly more flavor-forward and saltier. I say that because just out of curiosity, I added salt to one of them, and it was EVEN MORE DELICIOUS. I recommend having some salt handy to add and compare. 


Also, I can’t leave off of this first analysis without mentioning the packaging, which is usually funny in some way. 

Look at this Peep’s face. He is clearly not amused at this latest turn of events. Why is he sitting next to a tub of “Peeps Corn,” which seems like it might be actual popcorn? He doesn’t have thumbs or a mouth, so he’s not going to be able to get the delicious kettle corn out of the tub or eat it. Maybe that’s why his face looks like this. Of course, it could be the dark undercurrent of cannibalism inherent in almost all the Peeps packaging where the Peeps are eating Peeps, and that’s just not right. This is a meta-Peep situation, and you can’t tell me that the designers at Just Born didn’t do this on purpose, because again, look at the expression on that Peep’s face. He knows. 

Kettle Corn peeps were only available at Kroger Stores (like QFC and Fred Meyer).

Next up: Dr. Pepper Peeps. You feel these are going to be good even if they aren’t spot-on, because if you like Dr. Pepper, you’re already fine with artificial flavors. The only initial concern I had about this one was the lack of carbonation and the inability to replicate carbonation in Peep form. I don’t know if you’ll agree with this, but the over the top, almost aggressive carbonation is one of the things that makes Dr. Pepper so very, very Dr. Peppery. Like, it almost has to hurt your throat on the way down or it’s not doing the job.

Next up: Dr. Pepper Peeps. You feel these are going to be good even if they aren’t spot-on, because if you like Dr. Pepper, you’re already fine with artificial flavors. The only initial concern I had about this one was the lack of carbonation and the inability to replicate carbonation in Peep form. I don’t know if you’ll agree with this, but the over the top, almost aggressive carbonation is one of the things that makes Dr. Pepper so very, very Dr. Peppery. Like, it almost has to hurt your throat on the way down or it’s not doing the job.


Also, did you know that Dr. Pepper’s dominant flavor is prune juice? True story. Now you will never be able to get that out of your mind. You’re welcome. 


The initial aroma of the Dr. Pepper peep (which, let’s just be honest, should just be called a Peeper, or a Dr. Peeper) is not quite as spicy as one might expect. It almost smells like flat or stale Dr. Pepper that you opened and forgot to drink, or Dr. Pepper that spilled on your clothes. So, it does smell like Dr. Pepper, just old Dr. Pepper (though for whatever reason, the smell fades very quickly after opening the package, so get your nose in there the minute you open it). I’ll give it points for accuracy.


Speaking of accuracy, any collab between two companies like this makes my mind wander in a direction of questioning the minutia of logistics, like “How did they get the Dr. Pepper flavor formula from one company to the other? Did they take it over in a suitcase handcuffed to a guy, or in an organ transplant type cooler?”


Only I would wonder about something like this. I am aware.


The one and only problem with the Pepper Peep (I made that up, not trademarked, not copyright, not sponsored) is that it’s too subtle. Of all the flavors to dial back the strength on, you’re going to start doing that with Dr. Pepper? It makes me laugh that Sour Watermelon and Fruit Punch are basically so strong you can’t taste anything else for awhile after you eat them, but Dr. Pepper, which I would consider to be in the same strong-flavor category, is being treated with kid gloves like this. The only way to really “get” the Dr. Pepper flavor is to hold the Peep in your mouth for a long time, which I don’t think is the standard or recommended mode of Peep consumption. This makes me think Keurig Dr. Pepper (which I have just learned is the current distributor of Dr. Pepper) would only agree to this collab if there was a limit put on the “Dr. Peppery-ness” of the Pepper Peeps, which just feels like a missed opportunity. Oh, maybe this goes without saying, but I don’t think you will like these if you don’t like Dr. Pepper, although I’m not sure why you would be buying a Dr. Pepper-themed product if you had that bias. 


I’m giving the Dr. Pepper Peeps a B-, because while I found the flavor to be authentic, I found the whispered subtlety of the flavor to be a total sad trombone. If I’m eating a peep that is supposed to taste like Dr. F**king Pepper, I would like to taste the pepper, okay? Also, I don’t like having to eat multiple Peeps to get the point of a theme. I’m old and I need to save the calories for actual nutritious food. I would put these in a tasting just for fun, but I don’t know that they would be the star, if I’m honest. This assessment surprises and disappoints me too, I KNOW! 

Looking at the packaging for a moment before we go, here’s this cranky Peep again, only this time he’s mad because he’s seated next to what can only be an ice-cold, unopened can of Dr. Pepper. In this context, his face looks this way because he can’t open the can, nor can he drink the delicious and mysterious pepper elixir, because it will melt his peep body. Either that or he’s with me in being upset by the faintness of the flavor. No obvious Peep cannibalism in this particular graphic, but still. He’s seen some shit.

Dr. Pepper Peeps

This Peep has seen things. He knows something.

So, that’s it for my assessment of the new Peep flavors. I’m surprising myself by declaring kettle corn the best new peep of 2023, although I would absolutely recommend picking both of them up to see if you agree. 


Okay! See you in a year!


Just kidding. I’m actually thinking of doing more of these quirky food tastings, so let me know if you found this amusing. Please discuss your favorite Peeps flavors in the comments! 



Throwing Stuff Away, or: my anti-Hoarders plan

I don’t really make New Year’s resolutions anymore, mostly because I try to always do the best that I can with myself during the year, and also because if I make resolutions or set huge goals it actually has a negative effect, because I am really hard on myself if they don’t end up turning out the way I planned.  I can give myself “suggestions,” though, and this year the “suggestion” is:  THROW AWAY HALF OF YOUR STUFF.

Hoarders  I think this one came about from watching that show Hoarders over Christmas break.  Um….wow.  I have to say, I started watching that show thinking it was going to be some kind of quirky foray into people who, like, had a collection of 100,000 weird Mickey Mouse clocks or something like that.  But—noooo, that’s not what it going on in Hoarders at all.  In fact, there is barely any opportunity for prurient interest, as you spend most of the time watching it while hiding your face behind your hands, like “oh, oh NO—that’s just GARBAGE!  Why is there a GOAT EATING YOUR HOUSE?”  So, really this is not a quirky show at all—just a series of sad stories of mentally ill people who are living in filthy conditions and who need the kind of help that goes far beyond a mere housecleaning.  I don’t predict this show is going to take off, because unlike Intervention, there is no way to even “get on your high horse about how they should pull themselves together.”  Nope, they’re just nuts, and most of the houses would be better off burned to the ground because of the unfortunate and squalid conditions these poor people have let develop.   This photo, for instance, makes me want to throw out everything I own and wash myself in hand sanitizer.  How about you?

Back to my New Year’s “suggestion,” though.  Watching Hoarders made me realize that we just have way too much stuff, so I decided to go through absolutely everything and either use it, give it away, or trash it.  No mercy!   Let’s call this “Hoarders Insurance.”  So far it’s going well.  I have thrown out/ shredded a ton of old files, donated a bunch of books, and given some stuff away on Facebook.  Stay tuned for free stuff!

Bad Hair, Cabo Cantina Style

Badhair Over the weekend Stephan and I decided that we hadn't seen enough complete weirdos during the week, so we took a trip down to the Santa Monica Promenade, where every meal is served with a side of freaks.  We're used to living in San Francisco and New York, you see, so sometimes we haven't had our quota and we start jonsing for people with super-long fingernails talking to themselves about Canada, or people roller skating for no reason.  

Maybe it's because we intended so go out and see something odd, but we didn't even make it off our street before we saw a guy with a ponytail so wrong, we had to stake him out private detective style to try to get a photo that accurately depicted how stupid he looked.

You see, Stephan (in case you don't know) is LOSING HIS HAIR and has been for some time.  Actually, it seems to me like he's done losing it, that it's in a male pattern baldness holding pattern (so to speak), and he's not bald– just hair challenged.  Besides, Stephan (in case you don't know) looks GOOD, hair or no, whether he shaves his head or not.  He even has a cortisone-withdrawal rash on his face right now, and he is even making that look good.  So, there you go.  I'm saying, he looks better than alot of guys who have all of their hair, so he doesn't need to sweat it.

However, Stephan has a thing about guys who have hair and make bad choices with it.   He's angry about it, and it makes him want to hit.   Seeing bad hair like this sends him into a seethe, where he shakes his head alot and says "That f#$cker– has hair, does THAT with it…..did that on PURPOSE to his hair, and is now going to Cabo Cantina to see if it will get him LAID…..so wrong…."

After the bad hair stake-out, we ventured down to Big Dean's for some burgers, where we were treated to a guy talking REALLY LOUD ABOUT CLAM CHOWDER, then to Mr. Marcel's for dessert, where we saw a dude in full Renaissance garb (who I do not believe was in a play or on the way to Ren Faire) talking on an iPhone.  By that time my phone's battery was already dead from all the photos I took on the Hair Stakeout, but I'll just let you use your imagination.  We also saw a woman running like a Muppet (who wasn't me), and a young kid who was totally shredding the electric guitar but who was probably 13, so it sounded so weird for him to be singing lyrics that clearly belied his lack of life experience.  I think at one point we were like "Why is he singing 'Sweet Child O'Mine?" 

Oh!  Speaking of bad hair, I must bring this website to your attention and give special thanks to Lisa for telling me about it.  Because darn IT, that is some bad hair and some funny commentary.  Enjoy!

He Came to Play

So, first I will take care of business:  my Los Angeles Book signing for Hollywood Car Wash is coming up this week:

Hollywood Car Wash book signing
Wednesday, June 10th
Book Soup
West Hollywood
Be there!

The L.A. Times and L.A. Weekly both listed this, which is frankly just awesome and I thought I'd mention it.  Do you think I don't have a Google Alert on myself?  Well, you think wrong.  I do have one.  I have to know what people are saying, man!  What's also funny is that now this is going to show up in my Lori Culwell Google Alert for tomorrow. 

So, I had a whole post all ready to go about how I'm
sick and tired of how everything is bad for you these days, including the air
you breathe and the water you drink, but then Stephan came home from the gym
with a story that is just begging to be shared, so I'm going to go with that one
and post that other one tomorrow. 

Now, first of all let me say this:  Stephan Cox is
40 years old, and he's probably in better shape than most 20 year old dudes. 
I'm not even saying that to brag, it's just a fact– Stephan THROWS DOWN when it
comes to the gym.  He puts in his time, and he's totally in the shape to show
it.   I defy you to put him in some kind of fitness contest against younger
guys.  He is also a deceptively fast runner, and he's been running for 20 years,
so again– you're going to be hard-pressed to beat him in a race.
Which brings me to the L.A. Sports Club, where
Stephan works out (no joke) every single day.  On this day in particular, I
guess a twenty-something got on the treadmill next to him and thought he would
just go ahead and turn the treadmill speed up to 8.5 mph, because hey, if the
buff salt-and-pepper hair guy can do it, why can't he?  He's young and spry and
goes to the fitness club several times per week!   
Oh, did I mention that Stephan Cox has his
treadmill set at 9.5 mph, and he is making it look easy?   Yeah, I'm sure you
can tell this story is not going to end well for the cocky young
So– a couple of minutes goes by, Cocky Young Guy
is barely making the 8.5, is gasping for air, and is eyeing Stephan's treadmill,
like, "Hey man– I'm totally going to outrun you." 
Only he's not, because after another minute or so,
he's so winded (and apparently light-headed) trying to keep up that he slows his
treadmill speed down to 4.5, and he's coughing and spluttering and gasping for
air, and the people around him are looking at him to see if he's ok, which
embarasses him even more.
(Meanwhile, cut back to Stephan Cox, Super Gym Guy,
who is STILL running his 9.5 mph, like "Dude, you're going to hurt yourself over
there."    He's like, asking the guy if he's ok while he's still running faster
than him.)
So, Cocky Young Guy is embarrassed more, and he
speeds back up to 8.5, which is his big mistake.  Because, the next thing that
He throws up.  In his towel.  At the gym.  In front
of Super Gym Guy and everyone else, and then has to run off to the bathroom to
remove his balls because he has lost them in the Great Gym Throwdown of 2009.  
Oh, and also?  He runs off so fast to puke that he leaves the treadmill at 8.5
mph, and the next guy that gets on doesn't know this, so he tries to get on and
is comically, cartoonishly thrown off, like in a Wile. E. Coyote type situation
where he is SHOT OUT THE BACK OF THE TREADMILL like a bullet.   When Super Gym
Guy stopped running to help that guy up, all he had to say was "Nothing is hurt
but my pride."
So— how was your Monday?

Letting my Muppet freak flag fly…

If you've known me in person for any period of
time, you are probably aware of the fact that I am no great athlete.  It's fine
with me, I'm healthy and in good shape and walk four miles a day and can do alot
of push ups, but dude– I cannot hit a ball, or catch a ball, or run fast, or
any of those things that you might associate with being "sporting."   It's no
big deal to me– there are other things I'm good at, so I don't worry too much
about not being athletically inclined.  In fact, now I make a joke out of the
fact that I'm not super coordinated, and I have spindly arms like a Muppet, and
sometimes I fall off the curb while I am walking.  I'm sure you can see where
this is going.  Or maybe you can't.
Over the years I have grown to further embrace my
inner Muppet, and so, if I have to run somewhere (and really, how often does
this happen in one's adult life?), I've decided it's probably ok if I just go
ahead and flail my arms out like they are naturally inclined to go.   It also
seems like my head wants to just naturally bounce up and down, so I just let
it.   The cumulative effect of this is pretty strange-looking, but what do I
care?  Like I said, you don't have to run that much in your adult life, and
also, life is too short.  Run like a Muppet if you want to.  Except maybe….if
you have to run somewhere in the middle of a business meeting.
Yep.  I did it.   I was like "just let me run out
for something," and I guess the running was a little too crazy, because when I
got back to the conference room and tried to start the meeting up again, my
co-workers were like "Wait….is that how you really run?" 

So now it's happened.  I've gotten into the habit of running like a Muppet, and I did it in a professional context.  I hope this endeared me to the people I was meeting with, but I'm not sure.

Maximizing the synergy of the situation

All week long I've been in a "cloud of poop," Tom Waits-listening kind of mood, where pipes are bursting, and people are not showing up or answering their voicemails, and I am melting down in the parking garage.    You're all "gosh, that sounds so entertaining, why didn't you tell us more about this?"  

I think this mood has something to do with the fact that Stephan caught a cold from a guy named Dave, then I caught the next generation of that cold but was trying to deny I had it, so instead I was just "crabby with a stuffed-up nose….thanks DAVE" instead of officially sick.  So, if you called me this week, or I called you, or you happened to ask me a question and I yelled at you or told you I was going to go all broken arrow and live out in the open range somewhere where there are no people to bug me, I am sorry.  You'll be glad to know that the cold is almost gone, and I am probably going to blame the bad mood and the bad week ALL on the cold virus.

But, something funny actually happened yesterday!  Yesterday my cousin-in-law Cory and I got on a long email thread where we were each trying to sound more "business speak-y" than the other.  It doesn't really matter what we were talking about, because after awhile it became so baroque it wasn't actually ABOUT anything.  Here's an excerpt, because I thought it might make you laugh.

Me:  "There is totally enterprise buy-in behind that idea."

Cory: "It's been fully socialized and waterfalled, it's gaining traction, and we've accounted for the outliers."

Me:  "Oh yeah, we focused grouped it, reaped the low hanging fruit, and
it dovetails well with our other partnerships."

Cory:  "As long as we eat our own dog food and keep our kimono open, we should end up
with a win-win."

Also, not for nothing– why have there been TWO Friday the 13th's already this year?  Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse? 

You should go and read this now….

Every once in awhile I read something so funny, it makes me totally jealous, like I wish I wrote it.  So today, I will abdicate the throne of funny to someone else. 

Now is one of those times.  You must, right now, go over to Best of Craig's List and read this post, which is entitled "The loudest vacuum ever on the face of the planet."   Yes, it is a little wordy, but it's just so worth it.

That is how loud the vacuum is, people. 

A long post, because I’m out of town….

I'm traveling for business and won't be posting again until Wednesday, but I thought I'd leave you with something substantial to chew on while I was away.  Enjoy!

I can't believe I haven't mentioned this before, since it's so, so funny.   You might share this sentiment if you live in Los Angeles or a similar overcrowded urban area, but Stephan and I are eternally on the lookout for a cool, low-key place to go on weekends to escape city life.   We really like going to Carmel, but it's about 5 hours away, so that's kind of a hike if you're only going to stay for the weekend.   Last year we checked out Big Bear and kept trying to find a vacation rental in Ojai/ Santa Barbara that would take our dog, but kept coming up empty.  Anyhow, at the tail end of the Christmas holiday we went to go check out Pine Mountain Club, which is this cool little mountain community that's right up off the 5 freeway.  Like, literally, you go to the middle of the Grapevine from L.A. and turn left, drive up the mountain, and there you are.  Pretty cool, and they get snow!  The one problem I had with this location was that the houses were WAY too close together for my taste, like, Big Bear cabin style, where you can see into your next door neighbor's house and everything.   This probably wouldn't be a big deal for some of you, but hear this, man– if I am going away for the weekend, I better not be able to see what ANYONE ELSE IS DOING.  I don't want to see anyone, hear their music, smell what they're cooking, I MEAN ANYTHING. 

I know, it sounds weird.  Have we not talked at length about my OCD?  It's a real problem, man.  Look it up in the DSM.   You better just be thankful that I got past my irrational fear of spoiled food, because that doesn't produce nearly as much funny material.  Did I mention that when I was 14 I could only eat food that came out of packages?  Yeah, good times.  It's a good thing I'm past that one, because this salmonella outbreak in peanut butter thing would seriously have been enough to push me over the edge about 15 years ago.   We'll get back to OCD at a later date. 

Getting back to the point–  while we're in Pine Mountain Club we happen to go into one of the realty offices, just to see what might be available there.  As it turns out, since this community is on the fringes of L.A., it's unfortunately being hit very hard by the recession, and so they have alot of foreclosures/ short sales/ reduced price properties up there, which would have been great if, like I said, the houses weren't so close together.  Because I was curious, I asked the realtor for a list of properties, and she gave me a printed-out MLS listing sheet that had all the prices and descriptions.  If you're still reading this, you're about to get to the best part of the story, because RIGHT below the printed sheet was this Microsoft Word-looking document that was stapled together, and the realtor may or may not have meant to give it to me.  On this Word-looking document was a series of EXTREMELY honest notes about the property listings.  Maybe too honest, if you know what I mean.

And now, I will re-type the notes, for your amusement.  I am leaving off the addresses, of course, because a)  these were just notes, and are probably confidential, and b) I doubt you're going to go looking for property to buy in Pine Mountain Club anyway, so it doesn't really matter.  For the record, though, Pine Mountain Club is a nice place.

But, here's where it gets really funny.  Here were my top 10 favorite "side note" comments from the list.

1.  "Serious fixer"

2:  "Close to highway, smells like smoke, needs work."

3:  "Lots and lots of paneling"

4:  "Bathrooms gutted, kitchen doesn't have a window, registered sex offender on street."

5:  "Pretty cool, unpermitted street downstairs, views"

 6:  "Not a short sale, but cheap"

7:  "Bit of a fixer, not very nice."

8.  "Not bad."

9.  "No curb appeal, but pretty nice inside."

10.  "Once was gorgeous."

This made me wish that all real estate agents would be this honest about listings.  In fact, this makes me want to start a fake real estate blog, just as a joke, where all the properties are described as "not that nice," and "really small" instead of "charming" and "cozy."  Ha!