Costco Loses Me On This Deal
I took this photo last year– the sign has since been taken down, though I'm assuming you can still get this screamin' deal at Costco if you're so inclined. …
I took this photo last year– the sign has since been taken down, though I'm assuming you can still get this screamin' deal at Costco if you're so inclined. …
One thing I love about hand-made signs is that they always make me think of what was probably a pretty hilarious backstory that lead up to the making of the…
1. I posted this earlier because I was trying to see if they shut Posterous down already. Apparently the answer is yes, so if you had stuff on Posterous, now's…
I saw this commercial the other day (again, WHY ARE THERE COMMERCIALS ON HULU PLUS?), and I don't know if this occurs to everyone else, but one question just sticks…
Where someone puts a baguette on someone else's windshield, and this makes me laugh until I am crying.
Where I brag about my friend's photo booth props being on the Today Show in order to cheer myself up.
How to Delete Your Facebook, and Other Fascinating Things (where I am learning to make YouTube videos).
Where I barf a little in my mouth over peach liqueur in an old lady bottle.
Where I actually don't pick on someone for their viral video, for once.
Where I hulk out on a customer service rep from my insurance company, and Stephan laughs.