That Would Make a Great Indie Band Name
So, as part of this “blogging every single f%^ng day of
2013” project (I’m not bitter), I’ve been going through all of my old
notebooks, finishing ideas I had, laughing at myself for some really bad ideas
I thought were good at the time, and generally getting things organized. Going back through absolutely all of your
ideas is actually very cathartic, and I think I might recommend it, if you feel
like you have the stomach for it.
Here is a list I found–
I have been meaning to put this game/ list on the blog for some time,
and finally—here it is!
I’m sure this will not surprise you, but whenever Stephan or
I hear a weird title or someone says something that sounds a little strange, we
always go “That would make a great indie band name,” or “That was the name of
my band in college.” This actually is a
great party game that I would highly recommend.
A few years ago we started writing them down when we thought
of it, and I’m putting the list here to make you laugh, and also because I want
you to add to it! If you hear or see
something that would make a great band
name, please add it in the comments.
Extra points if you can say exactly what KIND of band it would be. Really, the game just consists of putting words
together that wouldn’t necessarily go together in real life, and that is why I
have included this lovely photo “ Jazz Apples.”
I feel like Jazz Apples would be
a charming and folksy jazz-inspired brother and two sisters band from the Utah,
and like all of their harmonies would sound really good together because they
are siblings, and like they would wear matching reindeer sweaters.
Here are some more. I
will absolutely not be surprised if I hear one of these names on SiriusXMU next
year. In fact, I am pretty convinced
that the only reason there is an indie band called “Clams Casino” is because I
tweeted a picture of a product called that a few years ago.
GABA Receptors
Unicorn Turds
Bones of Cadavers
Death by Hold Music
Liquid Secret (a thrash metal band?)
Backup Cupcakes (ska/ indie/ twee band, plays only in
Gay Farakhan (Punk)
Bubbles& Beer (Polka band that covers only Allman
Brothers songs)
Buffalo Bill
Chocolate Chili Surprise
Dostoevsky’s Underpants
Oh, also—when Stephan tries to remember something, he starts
a stream of consciousness type thing where he just riffing, and almost
everything he says can be used as a band name.
Here is the list I wrote down when he was trying to think of the name of
the band “AUDIOSLAVE” one night.
Witness to An Atrocity
The Chubbie Peppies
Dog Tropic and the Sunshine Band
Twinkie and the Musclemen
Lemon feet and the Goddess of Time
Venezuelan Hoogie Boogie
And, my personal favorite….
Motormouth Murray & the Gargantuan Five
Now you try! This
game is amusing and addictive. Oh, and
also—if you start an improv group, you can totally use any of these names as
your improv troop name, and I won’t even expect a royalty.
These names just added by awesome reader and friend Katherine Sears, who has already started playing the game in her home:
Tiny Sea Urchins
Mossy Pigs
Giant K's