Photo-21.  I posted this earlier because I was trying to see if they shut Posterous down already.  Apparently the answer is yes, so if you had stuff on Posterous, now's the time to start switching it over.

2.  Regarding this magazine cover, not to be mean, but are there still enough people out there who know about Elizabeth Taylor to warrant the printing of an entire "special edition" magazine?

I kind of feel like if the National Enquirer is breaking out their "secret files," they should have done this a few years ago, like maybe before that atrocious Lohan biopic.  Does anyone even care about the fact that Elizabeth Taylor had eight husbands or owned a lot of really expensive jewelry?

3.    I have finally caught the cold/ fever virus that has now prevented me from attending Big Jim's 70th birthday patty in California this weekend, so I am pretty sad about that. If anyone knows how I can get some more white blood cells, I am all ears.   I will now return to my cold medicine induced haze.  I usually spend "fever time" watching marathons of tv shows– in December I watched a bazillion episodes of "American Horror Story," then had scary Nyquil dreams that were not really all that restful.  Does anyone else do this?

Happy early birthday, Jim Cox!!
