Too Weird for Real Life: All New Lists!
I know this will come as a shock– I like reading about weird people, and hearing stories about weird people. And because I think REGULAR people are often pretty weird but are just good at hiding their crazy, whenever someone really comes to the top of my radar, I put them on a list. Right now I’m going to share my "Weird Celebrities" list, because it finally got long enough for a blog post.
These are people who will NOT be appearing in US Weekly, in the section “Stars Are Just Like Us!” because you see, they are not like us, and by us, I mean humans.
By the way, I was going to put David Bowie on this list, but I saw him in Kate’s Paperie in New York buying some notecards, which totally un-did the whole “Ziggy Stardust” thing for me. Ditto for Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed, who we saw at the theater in New York, both wearing practical sweatshirts.
1. Bjork. As I said the other day, for me Bjork lives on another planet, where she makes music and maybe does some sculpture work from perishable items like pimento lunchmeat. The fact that she’s quasi-married to Matthew Barney just compounds this, because you know they’re not at home on Wednesday nights watching Lost. No no, they’re on a boat, in Antarctica, learning about flensing. I’m not even kidding about the flensing, which you’ll know if you saw Matthew Barney’s exhibit at SF MOMA last year. Yeah. She wore a swan dress to the Academy Awards, totally without irony.
2. Marilyn Manson. Ashley mentioned this one, and thanks! Can you imagine looking over in the grocery store and seeing Marilyn Manson buying some Hamburger Helper? His whole thing is about how he’s not like regular people, which I suppose is why his band-mate claims he used band profits to buy some Nazi paraphernalia just goes right along with this.
3. Prince. Too eccentric to have a normal name, a normal house, or a normal career. He is tiny and purple, and so Prince-like, you have to go to him—he cannot bring the Prince to you. In case you doubt the veracity of this one, check out this hilarious Smoking Gun article, in which a man from whom Prince once rented a mansion for $70,000/ month (not a typo) ended up suing the great purple one for making the place too Prince-like, including a giant purple monogrammed rug, and extra water pipes for a purple beauty salon.
4. Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice). Jim Maloy says: “The fact that Posh Spice has turned herself into a giant orange praying mantis pretty much means you won’t be seeing her at VONS.”
5. David Byrne. Unless you can picture someone doing laundry in an electric blue unitard, of course. Stephan once interviewed him for a radio show he had in San Francisco, and afterwards he had to drive David Byrne to a book signing himself. During this ride, David Byrne offered him coffee, from a thermos.
6. Catherine Zeta- Jones. I know, I’m still on this, but she mostly just seems like she lives on a pillow made of velvet and never goes poop. I know she’s had kids and all, but I just can’t see her wiping noses or answering the inane questions of a three year old over and over again.
7. Christopher Walken. Seems like he lives in a locked trailer where all of his needs are provided for, then they let him out to “do the Walken” for 20 minutes or so at a time. “Do not look Mr. Walken in the eye. Put Mr. Walken back in his trailer when you are done with him.”
8. Beck—not only a weirdo musician who writes lyrics like “get crazy with the Cheez-Wiz,” but is also a Scientologist. Seems like he would go to McDonald’s, but would order something really weird—“Can you put the French Fries into the McDonald-land sundae? I wonder what that would taste like.”
9. Karl Lagerfeld—just can’t see him buying toilet paper (unless it’s made of gold, maybe), or popping a zit. Maybe it’s the big glasses.
10. Tom Cruise/ Katie Holmes—It’s totally cool that my BFF Katie Holmes ran the NY Marathon and all—very humanizing for her. But, I’m still having a hard time imagining either of them, say, using a credit card to purchase a book on, or calling an exterminator. This one is a combination of being super-rich and just living on another planet, in my opinion.
11. Liza Minelli. I once saw her in a Starbucks in New York while she was supposedly filming that documentary with her then-husband David Gest (who probably also belongs on this list). No, she was not ordering coffee or reading a book.
Bonus: Ex-Weirdos
Even death cannot erase their weirdness.
1. Klaus Kinski. Just….my God. Did you see Fitzcarraldo? He wasn’t even acting. Werner Hertzog has some great stories about his multiple nervous breakdowns on set, and how Kinski used to carry around guns all the time. In case you don’t know, this is Nastassja Kinski’s father, who was a famous actor and died of a heart attack at age 65, because his body could just not take the “explosive temperament.” Go out and rent “My Best Fiend” if you’re curious.
2. Marlon Brando—Couldn’t fathom real life so much, he moved to Polynesia to eat fruit in a muumuu. Remember when he won Best Supporting Actor and sent a Native American woman to NOT accept the award for him? Yeah, that was before his son killed his daughter’s girlfriend, and then he tried to help cover it up. Not to take away from his incredible talent, though. Wow.
3. Ingmar Bergman made films about playing chess with death. Nuff said.
4. Andy Warhol—never did anything normal. He and his brother had two toy ducks called “The Gomez Brothers,” dude.
5. Charles Mingus once fired a shotgun through the ceiling of his loft while people were filming a documentary about him. So very many steps between you and me, and having a loaded shotgun in your loft to even be able to make that scenario happen.
6. Alfred Jarry (a playwright) was a midget who was always drunk on wood grain alcohol. Not to be confused with Toulouse Lautrec, who was also apparently a drunk on wood grain alcohol midget.
7. Edith Piaf, another midget (she was 4’8”, in case you’re keeping track) was raised by prostitutes and had, during her lifetime, malnutrition, alcoholism, morphine addiction, ulcers, tuberculosis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and, ultimately, cancer. She survived two near-fatal car accidents, married a man 20 years her junior, and was alleged to have been blind from ages three to seven.