Do You Know About This Site?
Because if you don’t, you should. It’s provided me with many a mid-day, mid-writing laugh. It’s Oddee, and I don’t know how they do it, but the people who run this site never fail to keep me entertained with their amusing lists, which have in the past included "20 Ugliest Celebrities," "7 Wonders of Ultramodern Dubai," and "10 Most Bizarre People on Earth."
My all-time favorite post, though, is "15 Hilarious Graffitis," which is where this photo came from.
Go there now and spend some time. Think of me while you’re laughing your face off.
From one author to another, you have my utmost sympathy for your MySpace debacle and serious props for your “blatant self promotion” category. The joys of being an author in 2007. Consider yourself on my blogroll. Cheers.