People  So, oh my God, did you see the People Magazine this week with Heidi Montag and all the plastic surgery?  It is so disturbing, I barely know where to begin.   Of course I had to buy it, just because I was grossly fascinated, even though yes, I know, when we contribute to Spiedi, we all lose.  But– wow.  For one thing, she ADMITS that she's addicted to plastic surgery, but she's not really admitting it, because she's, like, totally going to get more, you know?  It's part of her career, you know?  Never mind that she looks like a completely different, freaky person.

I have the following questions about this:

1.  What on earth is a doctor thinking, operating that much on a 23 year old?  That does not seem safe, I don't care what they say.   Huge boobs and a brow lift?  Now I think I might just have seen everything.

2.  She told her family she was sick over the Christmas holiday, and nobody went to her house?   What the what?    Would they have come in, like, "oh my God Heidi– what happened to your boobs?"

3.  Speaking of her boobs, she says that DDD was the biggest they could make her them right then, but she's for sure going back for more.  Seriously, shouldn't there be a law?   This is turning into Michael Jackson all over again, only without the talent.  I'm just scared.  She is just about to have the worst backache in the history of the world, and I am going to laugh.

4.   Why is People Magazine covering this?  I'm not sure I'm really able to correctly understand their angle.  They know that she's doing this for publicity, and that even the mitigating headline "ADDICTED TO PLASTIC SURGERY" doesn't really negate the fact that they have validated this choice by putting her on the cover of their magazine. 

5.  Have we learned nothing from Brittany Murphy?   I'm not even being tongue in cheek about that one.  This just seems like another pretty young girl who was driven to insanity and self destruction by the Hollywood machine.  Yiiiikes!

By the way, on a totally irrelevant note, we are still on the Hoarders-inspired "Operation Throw Everything Out," and we're now up to three carloads of stuff to charity and over ten trashbags full of shredded paper.  Yay! 
