Well, Hello Again!

Img_0437 Yes, I was gone for a long time, and neglected the blog.  I know.  Look, I still can’t believe Christmas break is over, ok?  Maybe I’m in denial.  After all, I’m still wearing my fat jeans (OK, I know, whatever my fat jeans are a size 4, and now people are going to start emailing me and calling me Karen Carpenter, blah blah blah).  I’m still trying to download all the pictures off of my camera and go through all the mail from when we were gone, but all in all, we had an AMAZING time in Carmel, saw many cool people, and one day, even stayed up until 4:30 am. 

If you know Cory and want to read about his 40th birthday, or if you just think a photo-essay called "The Legend of Butterscotch" which features a drunk horse might be funny, then maybe you should click here
and look at the pictures.      I do have several funny blog posts I’m a’cookin up for 2008, but right now I’m re-organizing, re-writing, and generally re-thinking my "sugar at every meal" habit.

Resolutions?  I’m going to try to think more positively in 2008, write at least 1,000 words a day in addition to this blog, do some sit-ups, and drink more water.  Anyone else?

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