Keen observations on life, observed while under the influence of fever

Adam So, being sick is boring. 
Last week I had a fever for five days in a row, which I guess would be
abnormal if it wasn’t for the freaky white blood cell problem.  Fevers create white blood cells, I
guess?   During my convalescence I have
read four books, watched an unending stream of cop shows, taken large amounts
of cold medicine, and confined myself to certain parts of the house that have
good ventilation. I have cabin fever,
but luckily Stephan hasn’t gotten it so far. 
  Also, I have had a lot of time
to ponder the greater questions of life, such as:  why are we here on Earth?  What is the sound of one hand clapping?  And, perhaps most importantly, why do
attractive women keep going out with Adam Duritz from Counting Crows?

I’m sorry, but did anyone notice that Adam Duritz is (and
has always been) MIDDLE AGED AND FRUMPY, and yet has a history of dating
totally hot women?  How is he doing
this?    Remember in the nineties when he
was dating Jennifer Aniston?  Now he’s
moved on to an even younger and hotter girl, Emmy Rossum.  Dig this picture, where she looks like “Hey,
this is my funky, dreadlocks-having dad. 
He’s a total dork, but I’m letting him go to this concert with me

But no, that’s not it at all.  They’re on a date, even though he looks like
Sideshow Bob from The Simpsons. 
Yiiiiikes!   I was going to say
that we needed to have an “Emperor Wears No Clothes” with old Adam Duritz, but
then the thought of him wearing no clothes grossed me out so much, I had to
totally rewrite that sentence.  I’m sure
he has spectacular (ahem) mojo, but….dude! 
You’re 46.   Cut your hair and buy
a suit so at least people won’t shrug and scratch their heads in amazement when
you go on these improbable dates.

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One Reply to “Keen observations on life, observed while under the influence of fever”

  1. Not gonna lie, he looks a little like Bob Saget playing a hippie for Halloween in this pic.


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