Is everyone following this saga, of the girl who got too many stars tattooed on her face?   If not, let me catch you up.   A couple of weeks ago, this Belgian girl claims she went to a tattoo artist to get three stars tattooed on her face, fell asleep during the tattooing, and woke up with 56 facial stars.

My first thought when I originally heard this was that this story smacked of lies and regret, and was made even further specious by the fact that she admitted she went to the tattoo guy to get THREE STARS TATTOOED ON HER FACE.

I don't know if you'll go with me on this– I'm all for freedom of speech and expression, but I think the minute you want tattoos on your face, you should be subject to a mandatory psych evaluation, and that they should have to sign off.   Because, um, if you tattoo your face, you are pretty much deciding once and for all that you are done being taken seriously in life, and if you're eighteen, maybe someone who is eighty and has face tattoos should come and talk to you about what kind of life they've had before you go through with it.

So, ok, she then claims that she "nodded off" during the procedure, and was horrified when she woke up and found that the guy had done not only the three stars she asked for, but 53 more as well.   This is even more crazy:  did any of you ever GET a tattoo?  I did, and then I didn't like it, so I had it removed.  I am hard-pressed to say which one hurt more, but let's just say that you're not going to sleep during either of those procedures.  No way.  NO WAY!

I was surprised that this case actually went as far as it did because this story was so obviously a lie.  Combine the diminshed credibility of the girl with witnesses and the glaring question of why a tattoo artist would do MORE work rather than less, and I would've thought this was an open and shut case. 
To further add to the "she's crazy, immature, and kind of stupid" story, she gets totally busted while she's being interviewed about this travesty by a Dutch TV station.  They tell her the cameras are off, so she just goes ahead and admits that she made the whole thing up.   So, I guess we now have more evidence to further gauge her intelligence level. 

So, like I said, I'm surprised it even went this far, although I have to admit she does look pretty crazy, so I guess that makes for a good news story.  Also, even though he is only shown for a moment, please make special note of the tattoo artist, who is just about the scariest-looking person I have ever seen. 
