Several things….
–Remember when I said that if you got a camera-phone, and then you came across something really funny, you should totally send it to me? Well, my friend K. in Texas did just that. Um….Coffee and Cappuchin? I'm not even sure if the "o" is actually missing from this sign, so they might just be selling coffee and monks in there, all for the bargain price of 99 cents. Such a deal!
Here's another good one, sent in by Rachel. I'm totally sending this to FailBlog.
— I said I'd post if I got any funny new entries for the "That Was the Name of My Band in Junior College" game, and yesterday someone sent in "Fat Guy at a Lesbian College," which made me laugh out loud for several minutes in a row. Hi-larious.
–Speaking of FailBlog, do you know about it? Sometimes I like to alert you to the existence of other websites, because that is my public service to you. I can't stop going there. Hey, it's Friday. Maybe you should go over to I Can Haz Cheezburger too. Those cat captions are pretty darn funny, especially on a Friday. Look especially for the adventures of stalker kitteh.
World record Ear hair goes to BALD MAN…thought you should know.