Cringeworthy—-and yet, I cannot look away.

OMG, did you see this Josh Groban performance at the Emmys last night?  The cheese factor was turned up to 1000, man.

Now, I don’t want to brag, but when I went last year, the musical guest was Christina Aguilera duetting with Tony Bennett.  This, on the other hand, just made me want to crawl out of my skin, and yet– I couldn’t stop watching it.  Is it the worst when he starts singing the Fresh Prince of Bel Air themesong, or when he imitates Cartman?  It’s literally like Josh Groban (whose work I didn’t really know before, so maybe I’m not being fair) came to the "themesong medley" meeting late, and JUST understood what it was he was going to have to do during the medley.  The cumulative effect of this is that he looks a little confused, a little scared, and a little like a Muppet on speed, and you kind of have to watch it with your hand over your eyes, or it might burn your corneas.  The whole thing is just so woefully unironic, I had to hide my head in shame and just pray that he got paid the big bucks for this.   I have included it here, but bear in mind— after you watch it, you will have died a little inside.

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