OK, so you know how they say when you see someone who’s crazy, you’re not supposed to encourage the crazy?  Like, if they’re talking about how they’re Napoleon, you’re not supposed to play along and say "I’m Josephine," because that’s not really going to help them regain their grasp on sanity? 

Yeah, that’s what’s happening down on Wilshire and Euclid in Santa Monica, where there’s this totally crazy guy who dances all day on behalf of Westside Rentals.  Do you know this guy?  Because if you don’t know about him, you really don’t know what you’re missing.    His actual name is "Phil the Dancing Grill," and you can see him in action right here:

We first started noticing this guy about a year ago, I guess, when we thought he was just "the weird guy who danced on the corner."  My guess is that he’s someone’s weird cousin or brother-in-law who is hyper and likes to dance all the time, so they gave him a job on the corner dancing with a sign, and then it caught on.   Because really, who the hell else would CHOOSE to dance on a corner all day long but a crazy guy?    I mean, even the guy who holds the Sprint store sign down on Wilshire and 5th has a look on his face like "I’m doing a job a stick could do."  Not the Westside Rentals guy, though.  He looks THRILLED.  And people LOVE him, totally unironically.  It’s like they’ve never seen a guy dancing on a street corner before.  They honk, they do news stories about him, Westside Rentals’ business goes up 6,000% or something like that, blah blah blah.  Bear in mind, this is a guy who I find so crazy, I will cross to the other side of the street with my dog, just so I can avoid the crazy on his side of the street.

Anyway, a year goes by, and the Westside Rentals guy is now so popular, they got him his own truck to dance on all day.  And on the side of the truck?  A sign that says "Get Rentally Ill With Westside Rentals."

This would all be funny, except for the sadly obvious fact that this guy actually is crazy, and I think someone might be keeping him off of his meds for the sake of increased business.  Seriously, when you walk by this guy, if you actually hear him talk, he’s like "Uggghhh…..someday all my dreams will come true….urraghhhhh"

I’m really on the fence between finding this fascinating, and wanting to call Social Services.  Because frankly, if you’re crazy anyway and you like to dance, maybe being the Westside Rentals guy is the BEST thing that could possibly happen to you.    Maybe he’s found his niche, which means that the whole "don’t encourage the crazy" theory is wrong.  Maybe we should be ENCOURAGING the crazy!
