This is the type of blog entry that I might characterize as "trivial,"
but since I’ve been encouraged to write more, I thought I’d put it up

Due to a one-year old sneezing some really virulent germs into my face about nine days ago, I’ve had an on-again, off-again cold for about a week which I’ve been trying to knock out with Zicam nasal gel.  OK, I know this is the point in the post where, if you’re some people, you’re going to go right down into the comments and be all "Zicam nasal gel makes you lose your sense of smell," or "they’re going to take that stuff off the market," or something, but you know what?  I don’t care. I freaking LOVE that stuff, and will continue to shoot it right up my nose multiple times per day the very MOMENT I feel a cold coming on.   Friday I think I set a record for Zicam use, when I spent the whole day on my couch watching reruns of CSI on the Spike Channel and trying to will myself to be better enough for our Annual Summer Barbeque.  Saturday morning– voila!  Zicam worked its magical miracle magic, and (I kid you not), I was TOTALLY BETTER.  I mean, the cold was GONE.

Until yesterday, when it started to come back.  Turns out, you’re supposed to KEEP using the Zicam for 48 hours after you feel better, but like one of those mental patients who instantly stops taking their Risperdal as soon as the voices in their head go away, I (perhaps high on the joy of getting rid of my cold) forgot ALL about that, totally went out and exercised, and by Wednesday was back on the couch again, begging my sweet Zicam to kick in again.

Today I feel better, but I have totally learned my lesson, and have added "shoot Zicam up my nose" to my to-do list for at least the next week.
