Update: I love this– after I posted this article, someone I know (who obviously does NOT want to leave this in the comments), sends me this via email:
So yeah, there you go. He’s not weird at ALL.
Let me throw this out there– how pissed would you be if you spent, let’s just say, $2 million for a house in West Hollywood, only to find out that your next door neighbor was ANDY DICK?
You’d be pissed like this guy is pissed, I’m guessing.
Because let me break it down for you, in case you don’t live in Los Angeles (and really, why would you, unless you had to?) — for a $ 2 million house, you’d maybe put down a $200,000 down payment, and even if your mortgage broker is a magical wizard who got you a fantastic rate, you’re still paying about $17,000/ month in mortgage. No, that’s not a typo. $17,000 PER MONTH, which is what alot of other people in the United States make in a year. That much money should buy you some peace and quiet, right? RIGHT?
Yeah, I’m going to have to say that for $17,000 a month, I’d give this guy a free pass to beat the living crap out of Andy Dick for throwing beer bottles into his yard, then continuing to have his loud party even after the cops came to warn him. Because let me say this, since I do have a personal experience– I DID used to go to the same gym as Andy Dick, and he most definitely, certainly IS the kind of a-hole who would do just that sort of thing, and keep doing it even after he was warned.
If you read further in this story, you’ll see that even the local ELEMENTARY SCHOOL filed charges against him for his loud parties. And um, the last time I checked, elementary schools are only open during DAYTIME HOURS.