The Groovy Schwartzman, Part III
First off, if you haven’t been following the ongoing coverage of the bizarre names list, please click here to go back and get re-acquainted with a list of the weirdest…
First off, if you haven’t been following the ongoing coverage of the bizarre names list, please click here to go back and get re-acquainted with a list of the weirdest…
Yeah, someone needs to tell Charlie Sheen that it’s a bad idea for him to keep getting married. It’s not for everyone– some people are just better off single, right?…
Once she sobers up, Lindsay Lohan is going to be pissed that her mugshot isn’t as good as Paris Hilton’s, don’t you think? Does anyone else think that, the way…
So, I’m a liberal (not a freaky liberal, but I definitely have some democratic-leaning-toward-liberal) ideas. And, that’s probably all you’re ever going to know, because I really think it’s uncivilized…
Yesterday I was at a corner and saw a sign for a "Gentlemen’s Club" called SilverReign. I never noticed it before, perhaps because of its exceedingly classy name and signage.…
Awhile ago, I don’t know why, Stephan and I were trying to come up with catchy one-line slogans for products and cities, like if you were an ad exec and…
BY LORI CULWELL In preparation for our big move, we put some stuff aside to sell at a yard sale this morning. We got the second shift at a big…
A few days ago when I got home, there were two women knocking on the door of the house next door to mine. Now, I know for a fact that…
A few months ago at a little-kid birthday party held at a bowling alley, where 25 (or 10,000) 6 year olds, high on sugar, created a decibel level heretofore unknown…
So, I gave up caffeine. Eight days ago, to be exact. Now, when I say caffeine, please bear in mind the difficulty of this undertaking, since I LOVE COFFEE. Love…