How Hard Can it Be?
How hard can it be to GIVE AWAY a perfectly good bed? Well, in case you were wondering, it can be pretty darn hard. Because, despite imminent global warming and An Inconvenient Truth, apparently it violates some international law for Goodwill or the Salvation Army to take my one year old, perfectly fine bed that up until Saturday I was sleeping on myself, because it might have cooties or something.
So…figuring that the words "free bed" conjure up images of those blood-soaked mattresses on CSI, I decided to try an experiment. I posted the bed on Craig’s List for $20. In my system of logic, something you have to pay for is worth a little more mentally than something that someone is just trying to get rid of.
In response to this post, we got THREE phonecalls, and ZERO people who could actually pull it together enough to come over here, shell out the $20, and take the bed. This includes a girl who called to ask if we thought the bed would fit in her car.
So, today, Day 3 of "Operation I Don’t Want to Throw Away This Bed," I put an ad for a Free Bed on Craig’s List. Thusfar I have gotten ONE phonecall, from a guy who claims that he’s going to come get it at 6:00. Then again, this guy also said he would send me an email to confirm (and because he wanted a PICTURE of the free bed…I don’t know, maybe to confirm that it wasn’t covered in blood stains and poo), and I haven’t heard back from him yet. Also, I got this email, from a woman who really wants the finest FREE BED she can get:
could you describe this bed other than that it is free? wood? metal?
firm or soft mattress? no mattress?
photo maybe?
Now this is amusing me.
Follow up: So, as it turns out, I was wrong about the words “Free Bed” implying that the bed had been used in some kind of industrial waste toxic accident, or being covered in doo-doo. Within two hours of me posting “free bed” on Craig’s List, there were two hippies (and their baby, Twilight) here, tying the bed to the top of their car. I stand corrected. What they’re going to do with the bed, we will leave to the imagination (like, are they going to smoke it? I just don’t know). My conscience is clean.
Wooden Bed
I settle into my queen- bed down-comforted bed , listening to Index Creek meeting rocks,