Product Photography Fail

Here’s a sign that made me think– Hmmmm, maybe it would have been better to just show an avocado and some cilantro.  Because, to be honest with you, I love avocados.  Cilantro is delicious, and I eat hummus like it’s going out of style.  But….combine all these things together and photograph it like you have here, and not only does it not make me want to try it, but it looks a little like someone drove over a pile of green slime, then put a feather in it for good measure.
Actually, it looks much grosser than that, like some kind of weird frog roadkill, but that’s about as far as I wanted to go, thinking of examples of what this looked like.  My Facebook friends are usually much better at this kind of thing than I am, so when they crowd-source the perfect description, I will update this.

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