Bilde Well, well — I'm back for a few days before I
start the "Palm Desert- San Diego" leg of the book tour, and I thought I'd post
some cool stuff from last week.  I'm still on the "busiest summer of my life" right now, and might I recommend that if you write two books, you try not to have them come out on the very same day? 

Here's an awesome profile of me done by the Desert
, the newspaper of my hometown.  The pictures are especially cool!

Next, an interview about my website book, which you can now listen to over on Blog Talk Radio.  It's an hour long, and we talk about every possible website thing you could imagine. 

Finally, I was a guest on the hilarious "Two Jacks in the Hole" podcast last week, where we discussed Hollywood Car Wash among other things.

Also, Happy Father's Day, and congratulations to my good friend A., who will have had her baby by the time this is posted!  Good news all around!
