This week is kicking me in the ass.

Well, we didn't end up leaving town (my mother in law's surgery is postponed, and I'm sure that's about all the medical update my extended family wants on my very public blog).

Yesterday I had a very iffy day (and by that I mean "crappy," but I don't want to get all hyperbolic and start complaining, because I know that's not why you come here).  Still, this week has been rather grueling, which is why I have put up an amusing photo I took at the park, which I have entitled "Baby Roadkill."  This is kind of how I feel right now, which makes it a little more challenging to be all "hey, here's some funny stuff!" 

Although, here's something—while I was snapping this, this mom walked by with two little kids, and she had them both by the hands, and the little girl was all upset and about to break into one of those sweaty, red-faced tantrums, and right before she went over the edge she stopped, looked at her mom, and very plainly said "You are taking us from the park right in the middle of our fun.  YOU HAVE STOPPED THE FUN!"

And I stifled a laugh, because man, isn't it just so true that sometimes, being an adult means you have to STOP THE FUN? 

At any rate, I made the book revision deadline by working all weekend, I need to set some hour limits for my "volunteer" job at Vice President of the Homeowner's Association (though I DO love hearing all the crazy stories, I must admit.  People are insane!), and please remember, if I'm not posting here for a day or so, it probably means I'm posting over at Beautiful for Good, where I am the lifestyle contributor. 

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