OK, I know– you read the blog for funny, and also for information.  So, when there’s an earthquake and then you don’t hear anything, you’re like "What up with that?  Are they crushed under debris?  That is not cool."  And, you know what?  I agree. 

Sometimes I forget that not everyone grew up in Palm Desert, where we had earthquake drills starting in junior high, so it doesn’t even occur to me that when people who don’t live in California hear about a 5.4 magnitude earthquake, it sounds like we must be laying under piles of rubble, unable to call or check email, or even update this blog.

These things are not the case.  We are totally fine.  In fact, here’s what happened.  I was sitting in my office, I felt the first little twinge of it and heard something start to fall off a shelf, and I ran downstairs to get the dog and go outside.  See, you want to stand in the doorway or maybe go outside when you know the ‘quaking is happening, because then you are, in fact, less likely to be hit by flying televisions or crushed by your house.  So, that was my plan.  Only, then it stopped, so I went back to work.

Great story, right?  Totally blog-worthy.   Only, it was so anti-climactic on this end that I totally forgot about it, and went about what I was doing, so I was a little surprised when I started getting emails and text messages from people across the country, asking if we were ok.

Check it– Stephan was in both the Loma Prieta earthquake in 89 (a 7.1), and the Northridge quake of 94 (a 6.7).  I was near L.A. for Northridge, but I basically grew up near the San Andreas fault.  Also, in case you didn’t know, Stephan and I were both in New York for September 11.  So, what I’m saying is, earthquakes and other disasters are no joke, but we’ve seen worse than yesterday.  I don’t even mean that in a "we’ve seen everything and aren’t we so awesome" kind of way– I just meant that this is why I forgot to post a "we’re ok" message.

We do have an earthquake preparedness kit in the closet, and I’m sure if there was a really big one, I would still find a way to update this blog to let you know that we survived.  So, I apologize for freaking everyone out.  We are fine, and thank you for your concern.  🙂

Reader interactions

One Reply to “A-OK”

  1. I live in earthquake country as well – I was in the SF valley for the Northridge quake and can still hear the noise in my head. To this day I keep extra clothes in the car and supplies in a kit – Never know when that big one will be here!!


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