I was walking along in New York the other day, when I saw a guy wearing this charming t-shirt. Ordinarily I don’t care about this kind of thing, because I figure a guy like that is his own worst enemy. But– here’s what got me. He was with a woman. She wasn’t bad looking, either. I kind of looked at her for a second, like, "you’re supposed to regulate this kind of thing." And by that, of course, I mean that once you’re in a relationship, it’s time to stop wearing shirts like this, mostly because whoever you’re with will tell you, in no uncertain terms, that this t-shirt is stupid, and that no self-respecting man would be seen in public like this. I don’t even mean I want to censor people or I’m the morality police— I just mean that once a real relationship starts, it’s time to pack away this t-shirt. Because really, now you’re just making your girlfriend/ wife look bad. Alone, it would have been believable that you didn’t know any better.
Maybe I’ve got it all wrong– maybe it was his sister, and they’re in a family of yuk-yuk jokesters, and she gave him that shirt for his birthday, because THAT would be totally hilarious! But, I don’t think so. I think he was just embarrassing, and she knew it, and everyone who passed him knew it, and that made me a little sad for her.
Incidentally, I saw a guy walking along today wearing a t-shirt that said "I LOVE BOOBIES!" Not surprisingly, he was alone.
I actually just saw someone on a tv show recently wearing that shirt and after I rolled my eyes I said … who’s he trying to kid?