I Never Get Tired of This Kind of Stuff

I could take a photo of something amusing every single day– sometimes, though, people post things on Facebook that are so funny, I have to bug them until they give the photos to me and let me put them up.  Another scenario would be– you see something funny, you want to take a picture of it, and yet, you have no one who will think it is funny.

Let me be that person for you.  Trust me– if you think it's funny enough to warrant getting out your phone and taking a picture, not only will I probably agree, but so will my (many) strange readers. 

Like this one, taken by Ashley Stiles.   I like to call it "gay ducks."  I have laughed about it at least once a day since she posted it.


Well done, Ashley!  I think the funniest part about this photo is that there are absolutely no other ducks around.  These two male ducks are like "yeah, we like hanging out together, ok?   Get over it."  In case you're wondering, female ducks are brown, so these are definitely males.


Here is one I took at Staples.  I think you'll agree, calling a plastic
box that is maximum 2 " x 4" "really useful" is really pushing it,
unless you are the one person in the world who collects teeny paper
clips or Polly Pocket dolls and needs to sort them.  Even then, though,
wouldn't you need a larger box in which to put all these little boxes,
thus further negating the term "really useful?". I'm just saying.


IMG_0230 This gem was sent to me by Rachel, who never fails to make me laugh on
facebook.  Come on– what if you're renovating your apartment building?  That's a big job– are you supposed to think of everything, including what to do with all those toilets?This is an unsolvable dilemma!

Stephan often sends me amusing photos, either because he thinks they are
funny or because he knows I will.  Like this one, which, as I think
you'll agree, is a truism of life.


So true.

This one I took– I think it falls under the heading "why is this a
good idea, and how did this product make it all the way through the
development process?  Yuck.


Really?   Chocorooms?

Finally, this is a picture and also a "happening," as this was taken
during a real-life gps conundrum.


Um– yeah.  This only aggravated my sense of directional dyslexia.  On
the bright side, in my confusion I hit one too many buttons, and now the
once-garrulous gps lady is completely silent, choosing only to give me
vague directional suggestions like this one.  Frankly, even though I
really need the help, I can do without her constant harping.  "make the
next legal u turn!  Turn around!"

Reader interactions

3 Replies to “I Never Get Tired of This Kind of Stuff”

  1. Ha ha ha ha ha! Love. Hilarious! Love the ducks. 🙂


  2. In my mind the ducks are having a conversation about their jobs at Dupont.
    So my friend showed me this picture that she took of this ad for a face mask. The thing is, the face mask is brown, and the lady is white, so it looks like the lady is in black face. I’ve asked her more than once to send me the pic and she still hasn’t, but when I saw it, my first thought was omg I have to get this for Lori.


  3. Love it! I’ve got some doozies for you, too…Seattle is a crazy town.


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