This Guy: Celebrity Crazy Edition

Do you know about the Legend of This Guy?  Because if you don’t, perhaps you should go back and read this post, or this one.  Then you will find this photo of Tom Cruise and his buddy Will Smith even funnier.

Or, on a totally different Tom Cruise note, you could go over to Defamer and watch this FREAKY video of him espousing the virtues of Scientology and saying “we have to do something” over and over again.   Look, I don’t want to slander them because Scientology is a little too cult-y for me, but actually, I’m all for anything that makes people happier in their lives, and Scientology seems to work for some people, and that is great).   I personally wouldn’t adhere to a religion created by a science fiction writer that involves dead aliens, but again, to each his own.

Here’s the thing, though:  I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE’S SAYING.  I mean, for a famous actor, Tom Cruise is a REALLY bad communicator.  I know he has dyslexia and that Scientology helped him learn to read and all (which, again, is great.  Great!), but dude!  I don’t think it can just be chalked up to poor editing, and to the seemingly-endless Mission:  Impossible theme music loop in the background.  I keep listening for a point in what he’s saying, and one never comes.  Like, what does he want us to DO with this information?   There really seems to be no call to action in this video, which frankly surprises me most of all because I consider Scientology to be one of the best-marketed religions on the planet.

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One Reply to “This Guy: Celebrity Crazy Edition”

  1. I went to this crazy celebrity event a few weeks ago and one of the guys from Grey’s Anatomy was there and he was wasted and I got him to get a picture with me – both of us had flowers in our mouths. And my friend is getting ready to take the picture and I was like, “Holy shit! I need to “this guy” this guy!!!” So, I did. All for you. I meant to send the pic to you awhile ago. Maybe I’ll go do that now.


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