Yesterday, I dropped my husband off at the airport, then went to In N Out Burger for dinner.  This is because a) I can’t cook, b) my husband left town, so I was left to fend for myself, and c) In N Out Burger is on the way home from the airport.  Oh, and d) In N Out Burger is DELICIOUS.

But, on to my point.  The longer you live in LA, the more you get used to things like, say, seeing Meg Ryan waiting for your parking space on Montana Avenue, and then again the next day down by Sushi Roku.  Movie stars have to live somewhere, and drive around and stuff, so you end up seeing alot of them all over town.  I guess the cool thing is to pretend like you don’t know who they are.

Anyhoo, I got in this HUGE line for the drive thru at In N Out Burger– I’m talking HUGE, like maybe you’re going to die of hunger before you get that burger huge.  After awhile, I noticed an antique-looking car being pushed out of the other end of the drive thru, because presumably it had broken down somewhere between "That’ll be $6.78" and "Here are your burgers."

The interesting part is that when the driver of the broken antique car finally got out, it was Nic Cage.    Yeah, Nic Cage’s car breaks down, man.  Sometimes while he’s in line for a burger.

This got me thinking, and making a mental list of all the celebrities I’ve seen since I’ve been back in LA.   This is just in case, once the novel comes out, people think I don’t really live here, and the stories can’t possibly be real.  But they are, and they can.  So, in addition to Nic Cage stuck in the drive thru at In N Out burger, I give you a short list of people I can think of right now:

–Alan Alda, Ted Dansen, and Mary Tyler Moore having lunch at my favorite restaurant here in Santa Monica

–Eddie Griffin at Sushi Roku– I actually got in a semi-argument with this guy because he was talking really loud and I thought he was arrogant.  It was only later that my husband mentioned he was probably offended because I didn’t know who he was.

–Don Johnson, cutting us off in traffic.  That goes like this:  "Hey….watch it, you stupid….Don Johnson."

–Dustin Hoffman waiting for brunch

–Geena Davis getting coffee at Starbucks

–Stacy Dash at Target

Now, bear in mind, I don’t even go out that much anymore, so I can only imagine who and what crazy shit I would see if I was out all the time.
