Some People Look Better Fat. I’m Sorry, It’s True.
Speaking of weird and embarrassing television, I also feel I need to comment on a God-awful commercial I
have just witnessed –Jason Alexander singing and dancing for Jenny Craig. This brought up a seldom-discussed topic that
I feel I must bring to light, namely:
Now, I know I was just going on and on about
how Alec Baldwin needs to lose weight, and he totally does, and why is it my
business what people weigh anyhow, and I know we would never say this out loud because we are too polite, but don’t you kind of agree that some
people, when they lose a ton of weight, looked better fat? Here is the Jason Alexander for Jenny Craig commercial, in case you are wondering what spectacle I'm going on about:
I know two (not one but) TWO people who have lost large
amounts of weight (one through gastric bypass), and good for them, but when
they were done I was kind of like (in my head of course)…”Wow, that person
totally looked better with more weight on them.” It’s actually a shame that society makes
heavy-set people feel bad about themselves, because it is clear that some
people’s natural body shape just inclines toward the heavy, and there is
absolutely nothing wrong with this, and it makes me sad when I see someone like
Al Roker looking like a space alien with a too-thin face. That's not to say that Al Roker didn't need to lose a few pounds, but I think we can all agree that he went a little overboard there.
So, there. I said it. SOME PEOPLE LOOK BETTER FAT.
Jason Alexander—I don’t get this Jenny Craig thing. Like, he’s famous for being George Costanza,
overweight friend of Jerry on Seinfeld.
You’d think after all that time, all that fame, and all that money, and
a Tony award, he’d be fine with his appearance, right? I guess I just don’t see why , either
financially or strictly in terms of “needing something to do,” a guy who really
has a lot going for him would choose to represent himself in this way. WHY? WHY? I mean, lose a few pounds if it makes you feel healthier, but come ON! What about your dignity?
This is totally the same thing as Megan Mulally doing that hideous “I
Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” commercial—you know “Turn the Tub Around”? Oh, you don’t know that one? Well, let me refresh y our memory, since I am
already throwing things out there that are making you die a little inside. Here is the extended version, which totally makes me embarrassed to be alive, especially for the OTHER people in this little number, because you know they are really excited just to have landed a national commercial.
OMG, I KNOW. I KNOW!!!! Those 2 commercials are absolutely mortifying! Seriously, the WORST.
I agree that some people’s natural body type/shape leans toward the heavy. It’s amazing how many educated, generally tolerant, reasonable people do not believe that at ALL, and insist that everyone can (and should) achieve perfect thinness by just eating the right things. It’s not true for everyone! Gina Kolata (science/health journalist) wrote an entire book on this research area, “Rethinking Thin.” It is FASCINATING. But yes–those commercials make me cringe and turn away as fast as possible.