Green Pimpin!
<p>Re:I probably don't even need to preface this by saying that Stephan has some extremely funny friends, but I will. Every once in awhile, Cory, Jim, and Stephan start (and…
<p>Re:I probably don't even need to preface this by saying that Stephan has some extremely funny friends, but I will. Every once in awhile, Cory, Jim, and Stephan start (and…
I'm pretty sure this is not why camera-phones were created, but what the hell? I think it's important to whip out that phone and take a picture every time I…
My internet service keeps crapping out, for some reason, due to a "service outage" hackjob that was apparently perpetrated on Los Angeles and San Diego counties yesterday that left many…
So, I’m sure if you’re on Facebook, you’ve either read or filled out that “25 Things About Me” chain letter thing that’s going around, and if you haven’t, please let…
I know, I know– this happens every time I go on a business trip. I forget all about you, and for that I am sorry. I mean, I don't really…
I'm on the East Coast this week for business, but am trying to be good and post anyway, because you know how you get when I haven't posted in awhile.…
First of all, if you subscribe to the Feedburner feed, I know it sent you a post from the other blog yesterday, and I'm sorry. I told it not to,…
I have a post all ready to go about my surly Irish temper, but I couldn’t resist posting these. Usually I find the formula for Saturday Night Live these days…
So, I'm sure you heard the whole thing about Christian Bale and how he totally lost it on the set of the new Terminator movie, and how he dropped the…
Maybe you'll disagree with this, and if so, that's fine. I'm at once surprised and not surprised that a big deal is being made out of Michael Phelps smoking pot. …