Music to kill yourself to….

Maybe this won't come as a total surprise, but I have always been a big fan of sad music, or music that leans toward the dark– like, I was a huge Smiths fan in high school, then got into Tom Waits, and now am finding that Ray Lamontaigne, Wilco, Ryan Adams, and Iron & Wine are really suiting my mood.   

I guess I never realized how depressive my taste in music was until I discovered the "Genuis" function in my iTunes.  "Genius" is this amazing little feature that works kind of like Pandora, but uses your existing music collection, producing a new playlist based on one song that you give it as the "inspiration."  Lately I've been listening to Ray Lamontaigne's second album "Till the Sun Turns Black" like it's going out of style, so I put one of the songs in there to see what the Genius function would come up with.

Here's what it gave me:

Starting with "Empty," by Ray Lamontaigne
2.  When the Stars Go Blue (Ryan Adams)
3.  Love and Some Verses (Iron & Wine)
4. Walk Away (Ben Harper)
5.  Casimir Pulaski Day (Sufjan Stevens)– this one sounds perky, but it's about a guy who has cancer
6.  Your Heart is an Empty Room (Deathcab for Cutie)

And so on.   I liked this playlist so much, it kind of made me laugh how iTunes pretty much labeled me a manic depressive, and got the list EXACTLY RIGHT. 

Ah well.  I guess now we know why I have to write this funny blog all the time– I have to cheer myself up from my morbid fascination with sad, sad music.

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