Friday Photos, Because I’m on the Plane….

Yep, I'm on the plane today, loaded up on Xanax and making my way back to the east coast, so you know what that means– I have to leave you with a bunch of photos and tidbits I have stored up to amuse you in my absence.  By the way, I've heard several reports that the email service that sends this blog to subscribers is not really working the way it should be, and thus some of you have not been getting the updates regularly.  Apologies!  I am switching over to a different software program for that, and should have that problem fixed soon.   In the meantime, if you could just check the actual blog on a regular basis until it starts showing up in your email again, thaaat would be greeeeatt…..

This one I took inside a Starbucks bathroom, and I think it's really funny for several reasons.  For one, I don't think "Anytime is Frappucino time" is an accurate statement.  In fact, nighttime is NOT a good time for Frappucino.  They don't make it in decaf, and if you drink it and it's, like, past 7pm, you're going to be up all night, so this ad is just silly.  Also, I think it's funny that they have a coffee ad in the Starbucks bathroom, because isn't coffee the reason you're in there in the first place?  I think you know what I'm saying.

Peechair This was outside of the Christmas/ holiday stuff store I like so much on Wilshire, Aah's.   In my mind, nothing says holiday cheer like an inflatable plastic chair that's the color of urine.    What, exactly, are you supposed to do with a urine-colored plastic blow up chair?  Does this go in the living room?  It boggles my mind that this chair made it all the way through the conceptual phase, into production in some factory in China, and onto the streets of Los Angeles where it could make me laugh.

 015586 I've had this discussion with at least two other writers, and none of us know what to make of this title.  "Quantum of Solace" is one of those titles that SOUNDS like it means something, when in fact it's actually just words put together in a semi-attractive sounding fashion, perhaps to obfuscate the fact that no one could think of something catchy like "DIE ANOTHER DAY" or "LIVE AND LET DIE".  A "quantum" is the smallest measurement of time, right?  And "solace" is like, when you feel better?  So, is the point of this movie that after he gets some kind of vengeance, he's only going to be offered a QUANTUM OF SOLACE?  Wha….?  That's going to be a pretty short movie, right?  I haven't heard a Bond title this bad since (wait for it)….Octopussy.  Or, maybe I'm just reading too much into things again.  Also, I have some good scoop on another former Bond actor that unfortunately I am not able to share on this blog.  But, it's pretty darn entertaining.  Look for it in a book someday. 

**There is no photo for this anecdote, and that's just a shame.  The other day, Stephan called me as he was getting off the 10 freeway at Crenshaw (for those of you who don't know this already, 10 to Crenshaw is a freaking AWESOME way to get to Hollywood.  Way faster than anything else we've tried).  Anyhow, he's at the 10 and Crenshaw, and he's all "I don't understand why there is an outdoor sign on this corner advertising Barry Manilow's new Christmas album.   That is just wasted advertising, right?  Isn't that kind of like advertising the fact that DMX's new album is dropping, and putting the sign for that up on the Upper East side or in Beverly Hills?"  

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