Crappy Crap Crap Day
I had a crappy day yesterday, which is to say I had one of those days where, at 8:00 in the morning you’re like "Hey, can I just put myself on autopilot, and come back to consciousness around 7:00 pm, when it’s time to hang out with my husband and drink wine?" The kind of day where if that day had a sound, it would be that of a toilet flushing, slowly carrying away that day, rather like poop.
I was briefly cheered by the news that Angelina Jolie can have a bad day too– did you see this story, where she splits her pants on the red carpet, THEN steps in gum? Yeah, even though she has millions of dollars and Brad Pitt to cover up her pants, that’s still pretty sucky. I love her face– it’s like (under her breath)– "Ummm…..I think my pants just ripped."
I won’t go into detail about the (numerous) factors that caused the bad mood, because then I will sound crazier than I already do sometimes on this blog. But, let’s just say the mood involved a moving van outside my house at 7am, then some work things, then some practical things, like me spilling beer on my socks while I was emptying the recycling and one of my computers just REFUSING to go on the wireless network all day with no logical explanation as to why. By 3:45, I had so had it with everything and everyone that I had to take a break and play some Shooby Taylor, which is my "break glass in case of emergency" bad day antidote. Because, actual scientific studies have shown that it is impossible to stay in a bad mood while you’re listening to this.
Actually, the Shooby track that cheers me up the most is "Stout Hearted Men," which you can find on the "Songs in the Key of Z" compliation, which also contains the positively hilarious song "Rock and Rock McDonald’s. But, this one is pretty good too: