Let’s Talk About This Pink Mac N’ Cheese, Shall We?
Seriously. Let’s just get right in there and unpack this monstrosity.
First off, this is absolutely the kind of food situation that, when you see it, you should send directly to me. I am the friend who will appreciate this and laugh with you about how very, very gross and wrong this is.
Case in point: three people have already sent me this, and it was only announced this morning. Well done, friends! I feel seen.
So— this is a real thing that Kraft is doing for Valentine’s Day this year. Why no one in the Kraft development office pointed out to anyone else that this looks like a straight-up bowl of intestines (or raw hamburger meat) is beyond me. Apparently the product development department at Kraft is filled with yes-people.
Come on. You were either thinking it or you couldn’t put your finger on exactly WHY this looks so wrong. I filled in the blanks for you. I DID YOU A FAVOR! Sadly, you will never again be able to look upon this image without thinking about intestines (or raw hamburger).
I can’t really decide which one is more off-putting here— the look of this product, or the description. For you see, once you are done making what is basically a box of plain, florescent yellow Mac and Cheese (AS GOD INTENDED), you will then empty a “flavor packet” into the mix to 1) turn it pink and 2) make it taste like candy.
Um……huh? Since when do hot noodles and cheese benefit from being candy flavored? Am I missing the part where you mix milk, butter, cheese powder, noodles, and CANDY FLAVORING and it turns into anything but a nightmarish bowl of hot candy? Please take a moment and name a candy that is better when served hot. If you’re about to say “taffy,” I would argue that you probably want to let that cool down first for a more taffy-like experience.
To summarize: this looks disgusting and no one said anything, and possibly the only thing worse than how this looks is how it’s going to taste when you ruin your perfectly acceptable Kraft Mac N Cheese by turning it into a bowl of hot, creamy, candy-flavored noodles. There is absolutely no way this will taste good.
This project is basically hilariously terrible from all angles and is made even funnier by the fact that Kraft seems absolutely, 100% sincere in this effort (as indicated by the perfectly-placed rose on the table).
Oh also, this is a giveaway, so go right over to https://candykraftmacandcheese.com/Home/EntryForm to try to win some.
If you do end up winning, please (for the love of God) make a video of yourself actually eating it and send it directly to me, because I am that friend who will truly appreciate it.
Also, hi! I am back for 2021!