I know, I am the WORST when it comes to critiquing these homemade signs, which (let’s be honest) rarely have proper grammar, because if your grammar was that stellar, you probably wouldn’t be working at the gas station where I saw this beauty:


We’re going to have to cite this person for improper use of quotation marks plus additional points off for incorrectly conjugating the verb “appears.”  In this context, the word “appears” refers to the plural “paper towels.”  Also “knob on side clockwise” is awkwardly phrased and sounds like some kind of B-level Hitchcock knockoff film.

We think what they meant was:  If you don’t see the paper towels, turn the knob.  They are up there.  Don’t come crying to us until you’ve at least turned the knob.

Secondarily, this brings up the all-important mantra:  if it needs a sign, it’s bad design.  Signs like this should be sent directly to the manufacturer of that paper towel machine as independent confirmation of the fact that their dispensers are confusing, don’t you think?


This also reminds me, I have a new favorite book, gifted to me by my thoughtful husband and mother-in-law, who knew how hilarious I would find each and every sign in here:
