2013-09-10 00.02.23You guys– is this weather forecast a joke?  It's September, and I have therefore survived summer even though summer is the worst, most depressing season there is, and we have a whole post about all the reasons why it is so very, very awful.  Let's not even go in to how NOT a "shorts" person I am, because I have Earth's whitest legs and everyone has to comment on them, even strangers who don't know me.   People who know me in person, think back– have you ever seen me in shorts?   

I'm guessing the people who answered "yes" to that question are people I knew from high school, because it was 120 degrees there and it couldn't be helped.   Now, though, I have a car and an inside job and the freedom to do what I want, so I don't own any shorts.

Anyhow, it's September, and it's New York, and here's what I am wearing today:

— Jeans (see previous paragraph on shorts)

— Boots (not just boots.  These boots.  Do not mock me.  They are simply the best, most comfortable boots of all time, even if it is 85 degrees).  No, you can't wear these boots with shorts.

— Shirt

— Scarf

— Long sleeved shirt-thing on top of shirt

Because you know what?  I AM DONE WITH SUMMER, and I'm "acting as if" it is now fall.  I don't care if I'm hot all day.   It's not light until 9:00 pm anymore, I no longer feel like the sun is oppressing me 19 hours a day, and everyone's kids are back in school (or so I observe from Facebook).   I am wearing scarves and boots, and the weather is just going to have to bend to my demands.

Or, I might be hiding inside for two more weeks.  I will let you know.

Oh, and hey!  Mr. Show reunion with David Cross and Bob Odenkirk in Brooklyn tonight!  We will be there.  We might even try to take some photos! 
