Here is a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I made for Stephan the other day to celebrate our anniversary.
In case you're wondering, yes, we did also get fancier presents. This story is about these particular cookies, though. Let's focus!
So, I'm sure you know that from-scratch cookies take awhile to make and that the cleanup is quite extensive. With that in mind, I would like you to share my "facepalm" moment from Wednesday, which goes like this:
— go to store
–get ingredients
–make 3 dozen cookies
–do 2 loads of dishes to clean up
— cook, cool, package
–vacuum, sweep, mop kitchen, kitchen counters
— go to bed
— realize that I forget to put baking soda in the cookies
–silently scream
So, the cookies are a little shall we say, dense. Stephan says they're good, but I think he's just being nice.