2013-01-12 12.47.05
Today is my birthday, and I am being appropriately
celebrated by the World’s Greatest Husband, who is making a concerted effort to
take the sting out of the “Milestone” part of the birthday.    So far, he’s plied me with fine wine,
cupcakes, flowers, and jewelry, and tonight I hear there will be cake.  Good job, Stephan!!

 I am also enjoying the birthday greetings on Facebook, which
(in my opinion) is one of the best benefits of being connected to so many
people from so many different periods of your life.  So, thank you for the birthday wishes, and
for reading my blog, and for generally being a bro, all of you.   Your comments mean a lot to me, I read all
of them, and they are keeping me motivated as I write my way through this
entire year. 

Now I am off to get a manicure, which I only allow myself to
do once or twice a year (for reals!) because usually I feel an odd sense of
guilt for sitting still and not doing anything for that long.  Maybe that’s something I will work on this





2013-01-09 16.03.12Finally, because I’m me, I will leave you with this amazing
photo.  I’m not sure what those things
are in the bin (they could be plastic trumpets), but I’d like us to just
pretend that the bin is full of things you wouldn’t ordinarily put your mouth
on , and that people keep doing this anyway, so much that it necessitated the
creation of a hand-written sign to stop the insanity.  W….T….F?
