Don’t ask me why, but Stephan and I were recently talking about how sometimes you have more than one pet, and those pets totally love each other, to the point where when one of them eventually dies, the other one is so broken-hearted that they only make it about six months and then they get some weird illness or just give up altogether, and then they end up dying too.

We actually were talking about this in relation to how funny it is when those dogs are NOT friends, and the one dog (or cat) dies, and the other one is like “Good!   More food and toys for me!”   Specifically, my in-laws used to have these two dogs (Steffi and Jenny), and one of them was both obese AND kind of (um) mentally challenged, and when her long-time companion dog Jenny died, she lived on and on, and we imagined her writing notes like this one:

Dear Jenny,

U wre dumb and left, and now I get all ur fud.  U R stoopid. 


