Hey, did you know that today is the birthday of my amazing and cool husband Stephan Cox?   Yep.  There is already a Fudgie the Whale cake in the freezer with his name on it (literally).  Did you know you should really call ahead for those, or else you will have to go to Carvel in another state?  Well, now you do, and God help you if you should want Cookie Puss instead.

And now, I will begin my rant about AT & T.  Perhaps if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter or you've TRIED TO TALK TO ME ON THE PHONE you know that I am now at war with AT &T, because I have bul$%t phone service in exchange for being an early adopter and getting a full-price iPhone with their crappy 3G technology that clearly cannot keep up with data/ phone use in big cities.   My fed-upness started last week, when I'd finally had enough of their totally sub-standard service that I tolerate just so I can have the iPhone.  It's almost over, you see.  Come January we're going to be able to take our iPhones and go over to Verizon, which we literally are counting days until we can do.   Like, SEVEN DROPPED CALLS A DAY, AT &T.

Oh no, you're thinking.  It's a write in all caps kind of day.

So, ok, on Tuesday I tried to call AT & T (again) to complain about their crappy 3G service (again), and (not surprisingly) THEY DROPPED MY CALL THREE TIMES.   I think that's when I snapped, because I then wrote this letter to AT &T telling them I was breaking up with them.    By the way, if you are similarly fed up with AT & T''s CRAPPY 3G SERVICE, I would suggest you go over there and leave a comment, because I have now decided that the only way to get them to change is to use social media against them, so every time their social media manager checks his email or Twitter (hi Jason!), they get a reminder that they need to raise their standards. 

How do I know his name is Jason?  Oh, maybe because he @replied me on Twitter right after I started talking about how I AM TOTALLY QUITTING AT &T BECAUSE OF THEIR CRAPPY 3G SERVICE.   Jason let me know that he would look into my problem, but that I should download an app called "Mark the Spot" so that I CAN MARK THE SPOT WHERE MY PHONE DROPS OUT SEVEN TIMES A DAY.  Because this is why I pay the big bucks for the most advanced technology, right?  So I can spend my day dropping calls, calling back, apologizing to friends and business associates, and MARKING THE SPOT?

Seriously, AT& T.  Shame on you.  You should want to do better with your company.  So, watch my Twitter feed, because I've decided that now, every time I drop a call, not only am I going to "Mark the Spot," but I'm also going to Tweet about it, so that other people can be warned that you already have enough on your plate, and that since you can't really even provide service to the customers you have, you shouldn't be getting any more, and in fact, you should be losing some– like maybe a few million in January when we are allowed to go to Verizon.  I also have a Facebook group dedicated to this now, in case you're interested in joining that.

Since you've invited me to "Mark the Spot," AT & T, I will now ask you to brace yourself for the onslaught of Spot-Marking as well as social media mention whenever I have to do this.  I am so annoyed about this, you are going to have to hire a new person just to monitor the volume of how much I mark the spot and talk about it and get other people to talk about it.  I'm totally serious now.  This is an age of increased corporate accountability and customer service transparency.  I believe that you owe it to me as a loyal customer of six years to make this situation right in order to shore up your own brand equity.   Success in corporate equity is not about big success and big deals, AT & T, because we've all seen how those can go away.   Today, your success (or lack thereof) is about my phone service not working, and the fact that when you completely ignore this while continuing to take my money, you are no better than the big corporations who were "too big to fail," speculated on real estate, and drove this country into its economic downturn.  Behavior like this– right here– that's what did it.

Seriously AT & T, fix my phone service.   I don't think you want to play "David and Goliath" with me.
