Dude! I want you to know that I have been writing posts, and then Typepad has been messing them up. Like last when, when it cut a paragraph-size chunk out of Thursday's entry (now fixed, in case you want to read it), and Monday, which apparently never made it out of "Draft" form, because I just went to put up a new post and discovered that half-eaten Thursday was still there. Gaaaahhhh! The really sucky thing about this is that there are now so many posts that are so search-engine entrenched, it is going to be nearly impossible to migrate the whole blog onto another server. If you are tech-savvy and have some idea of how I might be able to move this five-year old blog with a ton of backlinks onto a WordPress backend, I am all ears, because that would be much easier to manage.
So, what's going on with you? I am still looking for a new place for us to live, and all this looking has got me wondering why we still live in Los Angeles. Anyone having similar angst? I think I mentioned this before, this angsty period, but I'm wondering– when do you think it will end? I keep thinking that things are going to fall into place and start to feel more normal, but then another day goes by and they don't. Is this recession-related? Are you feeling this too? Not only does this year feel like it's taking forever (maybe because of the number of huge projects I've taken on– mental note to not do that next year), but it's just…..not moving, do you know what I mean? I don't think I'm alone here.
Also, I recently saw Ultimate Fighting for the first time on tv, and I'm sorry, but that has got to be the gayest sport I have ever seen. Please, I know they're hitting each other in the face and there are no rules and you're allowed to kick each other in the face and stuff like that, but frankly when you're a guy, and you're putting your face right in the crotch of another guy and you're rolling around, it is okay for you to just go ahead and share your love with the world. We can handle it. You don't have to be all tough and fight like this, because really– GAY!
Now, bear in mind that I took this photo of an Ultimate Fighting match that was being broadcast in a falafel place I really like, so it's not like they were hiding it or anything. Nope, just a bunch of guys who make falafel, hanging out, watching two dudes wrestle in with their heads in each others' crotches.
Here's what made it especially funny: when I took the photo, one of the falafel guys was like "Why are you doing that?" and I was like "Because it's so gay," to which he replied "No, not unless they make eye contact."
The eye contact really pushed me over the edge, and I have only now stopped laughing long enough to get the picture out of my phone and write this up. When I saw the photo again, I was almost embarrassed to post it here, but remember– no eye contact!!