Need a new industry?

This goes out to all my homies in the financial sector or who have been hurt by the poor economy. Maybe this is the answer to your prayers! I kid you not, the other night I was driving in my car when I heard a radio ad for….
Oaksterdam University, a trade school dedicated to helping you start your CANNIBUSINESS.

Cannibusiness. Cannibusiness. Cannibusiness. I can't stop saying it. It's like I'm high.

I checked out the website, and it looks like a totally legit place to go and learn some good stuff about medical marijuana, but I just think the name is totally hilarious.  Also– they have a "Legal Issues and Ethics" class that is required, but they ALSO have a class called "Budtending 101."  So, they're serving Cheech AND Chong, so to speak. 

Maybe it IS a good idea for all of us to learn about this.  I mean– there's going to come a day when it's legal, right?  And maybe we should be educating ourselves on the finer points of weed cultivation in the meantime, although I suppose if that WERE to really happen, there'd instantly be a "BULK WEED" section in Costco to totally price the small grower out of the market.  But, that's just me.

Speaking of weed and products related to weed, the other day I was in Target and bought this package of what I thought were generic Ziploc baggies, and it turned out to be a box of those baggies that ARE TOTALLY FOR YOUR WEED, man.   These are the 1/2 or maybe 1/3 size baggies– the ones that hold ten grapes if you're lucky, so they're not fooling anyone.  I have always found this product amusing, but now that I have a box of them in my home I like them even more.   They are SO TOTALLY FOR YOUR WEED, ok?  Now that I've seen them up close, I can verify what I had long suspected.

I bet they give you a free box of those WEED BAGGIES when you get your diploma from Oaksterdam University. 

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