A Photo Montage, Just for You!

Here is a collection of amusing photos, just to take your mind off the fact that even though the postman doesn't have to work today and the bank is closed, you're still in the office.  I also think it's worth mentioning that I'm on the board of my homeowner's association now, and there are really so many amusing and scandalous stories, I'm going to have to figure out a way to tell them to you without violating whatever oath I took when I got elected, you know what I'm saying?  Because one of the stories involves a rumor going around that someone is using their townhouse for porn.  PORN!

But, back to the photos.  Here's one we encountered at this sushi restaurant that opened a couple of months ago down the street from our place.  I just think the use of quotation marks is amusing– apparently the food is made by "Experienced" "Japanese Chef," who we are hoping are so "experienced" that they don't "poison" us.  "Get it?"


I also like this one.   First off, it's hand made, which I always appreciate.   I think it's compelling because it might be talking about a dog rescue organization or dog shelter that's set up down the street, OR it could be telling you that there's a DOG IN TROUBLE and that you need to RESCUE A DOG because the DOG IS AT THE BOTTOM OF A WELL!  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.  I think it's referring to the fact that there are some shelter dogs at the Petco that need some savin', and I think they need some better signage.


Here's a nice one– sharps container in the bathroom of the Santa
Monica Whole Foods.   Now, of course it's always a good idea to have a
sharps receptacle handy, but I kind of think that the container's
placement next to a coat hook AND a pull-out baby changer, and right
next to some eco-friendly soap makes a nice juxtaposition overall.


Finally, I'd like to share this classic photo, of the most depressing clown in the entire world.  I don't know his name, but I'm 100% sure he smells like booze.  He's on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica, in case you want to get him to make you a stinky balloon animal:


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  1. colon cleansers natural

    Funny Strange is Lori Culwell’s blog: A Photo Montage, Just for You!


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