Nutritional Information of a Cinnabon, For Your Amusement

I was driving by a Burger King the other day and noticed that they are now offering Cinnabon (or maybe it’s mini-Cinnabon, I didn’t go in to find out).   Frankly, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been in a Burger King OR eaten a Cinnabon, because these are foods you have to just put out of your mind once you get old.

I mentioned this to Stephan and just in the interest of seeing how bad Cinnabons are for you, I Googled “calories in a Cinnabon” and found this.

I read this aloud and thought I would record our reactions for posterity.   Just so you know, we’ve both had Cinnabon and agree that they are totally delicious.   We just didn’t know how bad they were for you.  Also, if you want to eat Cinnabon, go right ahead.  This is not that kind of blog, dude.  We are just mocking because we used to eat this kind of food when our bodies could handle it.

First up:  “Calories= 1945.”

Me:  “HOLY COWBALLS.  That is more calories than I eat in a whole day.   That is more calories than I ate on Thanksgiving.”

Stephan: “So….Burger King is now a laboratory for giving people diabetes?  It sounds like they’re getting really good at it.”

Next thing I noticed:

Sodium:  1834 mg.

Me:  “Couldn’t you have a stroke just reading about that much sodium?  I am feeling short of breath.”

Stephan:  “How can you put that much sodium in something and have it NOT BE SALTY?  That is creepy.”

Another thing I noticed was the amount of protein in the Cinnabon.

Me:  “Isn’t it a cinnamon cake?  Where are they getting 28 grams of protein?”

Stephan:  “Is it secretly injected with RIPPED FUEL?”

“Total carbohydrates = 280.7” also made me laugh.  I don’t count carbs, but I have a friend who is on the low carb/ keto diet, and she eats 25 grams of carbs PER DAY.  That means that if she ate this, it would be the only thing should could eat for eleven days.

To summarize:  Cinnabon, while delicious, should come with a warning label like the one they put on cigarettes.   That is how bad it is for you.   Who knew?

Also yes, I should charge my phone more.  I know, 27% (as shown in the screenshot) is  not that great, but at least the number isn’t red, right?

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