Here we are in the midst of my telling Stephan a story about someone we know.  You can clearly see how the story diverges into hilarity and hijinks.

Me:  “So, he went to
the doctor, and the doctor said…”

Stephan:  “No more
monkeys jumping on the bed?”

Me:  “Exactly.  And, how does that doctor even have a medical
license, if that is his only diagnosis? “

Stephan:  “You’d think
the authorities would have been alerted by now to that kind of malpractice.”

Me:  “Where did that
doctor go to medical school, I wonder?

Stephan: “What, did he get his medical degree online?  University of Phoenix?”

Me:  “It’s a shame,
really.  Clearly a second opinion is needed here."

Stephan:  “So, what
was the actual end of the story?”

Me:  “Never mind, this
is much more entertaining.”
