I keep seeing this commercial in my Hulu Plus while I'm watching Shark Tank (and again, I will throw this out there, WHY DOES HULU PLUS HAVE COMMERCIALS WHEN I'M PAYING FOR IT?), and I wanted to just make a comment about this product while I'm thinking about it.
Here's the thing, McDonald's– I am not the right target audience for this product, so you are wasting money advertising during shows like Shark Tank that grown-ups watch. Grown-ups can't drink their calories, ok? Anyone over the age of 35 knows full well that if you drink what is probably a 500 calorie beverage with your lunch, even if you are sitting next to a fountain while you are doing so, YOU ARE GOING TO GET FAT.
So, nice try, McDonald's, at this attempt at lateral brand expansion, but I'm just not buying it. All I can eat in your establishment is a salad, and I am not about to wash that down with a fruit-flavored milkshake. Do you know how much I would have to exercise if I slurped down one of those smoothies? Not worth it. At all.
And in closing, WHY DOES HULU PLUS HAVE COMMERCIALS? That is just aggravating.