Once You Go Mac, You Never Go Back…..
People sometimes ask me what kind of computer/ software/
stuff like that I use. I can't reveal my software preferences because I am a sneaky SEO person and we generally don't talk about that kind of stuff in detail (except for Market Samurai, it's awesome), but I have to say, after Hurricane Sandy and the ensuing
clusterf$ck power outage, I am going to put my entire support behind my MacBook
Pro, and say that from now on, I am never buying another PC.
I actually have two PC laptops that I use only for client
work (some software only works on PC, and that is just stupid), and since I
started cleaning up everything with Dropbox, I don’t even need one of them
anymore, which is good, because that PC is a dirty slut that picks up every
virus she can when she is allowed on the internet.
This topic came up again today when I needed to get
something off of the “spare laptop” PC, and I let that computer alone for ten
minutes (to synch the Dropbox), came back, and guess what? WEIRD VIRUS POPUP. That’s a BAD PC! I had to do a whole "Malwalbytes" cleanup on that thing for two hours after that. BAD! BAD PC!
Here are some of the other reasons I am Mac-loyal now:
–The battery on the Mac lasts longer, yet it still charges
faster than the PC. How this is
possible, I have no idea, but trust me—every minute counts when you’re running
on battery only. Did I mention that I really like writing in my car? Macs are great for that kind of thing.
–Macs don’t need to be restarted every single minute like
PCs. Did you know that frequent
restarting uses up your battery power?
Well, it does.
–Macs are much more beautiful than PCs, because Apple
Computer actually cares about style.
There, I said it.
— Macs end up being cheaper in the long run, because you
don’t have to replace them every year when they are slutty and end up getting the computer clap.
I have a MacBook Pro that I have now owned for 2+
years. It rarely needs to be restarted,
never crashes, and is generally the best computer I’ve ever owned. I’m saying all of this because I have the
dirty PC in permanent time-out, and I want it to know I’m saying nice things
about the Mac so it will behave.
By the way, today I noticed this sign, and had a total
existential crisis over it. 1992 is now
the year of the “legal drinking age," like that's the year you have to have been born after to be able to buy and consume alcohol. 1992! I was already in college
with an apartment and like, college-age angst by 1992. Does that not make you feel old?
Well, it should.