Books! Book Questions! Book Marketing! Ask Me Questions About Books!

Carmel highlandsSo, I’ve been working on a big re-launch, and I’m not quite
ready to officially tell you about it yet (because I have formatting and coding
issues I’m trying to work out and have been staring at the computer for so many hours, I had to break out my "serenity now" image of beautiful Point Lobos in Carmel), but I did want to ask—do you have book-related
questions?   These could range from “How
exactly does one self-publish a book?” to “How do you get an agent?”  and everything in between.  This project I’m working on (which also
relates to the book I’m editing, “How to Market a Book”) strives to be an all-encompassing resource for authors of all kinds, and we are all totally interested in what you want to know!

I will throw this out there—to answer these questions, I
have at my disposal not just myself (having self published and traditionally
published and having done so with and without an agent), but also a social
media expert, a publishing person, several agents, a designer who used to work
at Chronicle Books, and several (like, more than one!) bestselling
authors.  I’m fairly certain that
whatever publishing related question or dilemma you have, we either have cried
about it before or know someone who has, and have a solution you probably
haven’t considered.

So—what’s your issue? 
Is it actually writing the book? 
Are you wondering about how to self publish?  Are you afraid of your website, or do you
just not understand social media at all?  
Are you weighing the merits of self publishing vs. traditional, and are
you more confused by this every single day (like I am)?  Are you afraid of the publishing industry in
general, or of writing, or of marketing yourself?  

I’m excited to tell you about this new project I’m
launching—that is, if I ever finish the endless debugging and tweaking that
comes with a big relaunch.    Oh, and if you know any awesome people who know alot about writing and the marketing of that writing, please sent them my way!  I am building a super-team of super publishing people, as it were.

Oh, and if you're feeling stressed, please look deeply into the Carmel/ Point Lobos image.  I think it has soothing properties, even in photographic form.  

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